Basic Coding Tutorial?


New member
Oct 21, 2011

I am a complete newb, this is my second day learning about affliate marketing. So far I have the macro idea, and have read a number of guides including Nickycakes and Jonathonvolk.

However I am lost when it comes to some of the terminology. For example, in Jonathon's guide he discusses redirects etc. This is so overwhelming. I just registered a domain and bought hosting, when it is processed I will install prosper 202 and wordpress.

My question is:
Do all you guys know coding? Am I an idiot for tryin to learn this stuff (coding takes years of full time study?)
And is there a basic guide anyone could reccomend please? I get the other aspects, and I in fact have a degree in finance and marketing, but when it comes to programming I know dick all. Thanks for the help.

Tro Shi,

Real original brah. Google does not always give you the best source. I was looking for recommendations, no need to be a dick.

Is there any coding tutorials specific to the skills required for affiliate marketing?

I know you all started somewhere, the help is great appreciated.
Is there any coding tutorials specific to the skills required for affiliate marketing?

I know you all started somewhere, the help is great appreciated.

Most webmasters don't code at all, including some of the biggest money makers.

I say forget coding until you find that you *need* it, then start with "hello world". :D

Hosting, redirects, cpanel, installing CMSes, that will be enough for now.

Focus on promotion and sales pitch.

I'm a coder, but not yet a succesful marketer.

For most smaller websites, you will be best off learning HTML, CSS, (which deal with the layout and presentation of a webpage), PHP for coding logic and MySQL for the database.

Wordpress and alot of CMS use these technologies, so it is good if you want to make your own modifications to a wordpress site.

PHP/MySQL also have the advantage of being portable across different servers (such as Linux or Windows). If you get into something like ASP.NET (Microsoft's commercial web development platform) it is mainly designed to run on Windows servers.

There are 1000's of PHP code snippets out there, so work out what you want to achieve (eg. storing customer form data into a database table) and then google a php example for that.

PHP pages will run instantly on your hosting as well. All you do is upload the file (via FTP) such as index.php and then access it via your browser.

Eg. www . website . net/index.php

That's just a quick intro into coding. There is alot to learn, but if you stick with those core technologies they should be enough for you to make your own pages and modifications to your websites.


PS. A redirect is simply being automatically passed from one URL to another. For example: If you access www . website .net/index.php and by the time your webpage comes up, it shows the URL as www . website .net/home/default.php then you have probably been redirected. This can be implemented easily with PHP code.

PPS. I had to put spaces in the above URLs because they kept getting replaced with spam links when I submited the post. Has WF been hacked or something???
Nightwatch and Bompa,

Thank you both so very much for the wisdom and encouraging words. Super thanks, I have read and re-read both your posts and I am studying the information you provided. :bigear:
I just got through the hell that is starting to code. It's not necessary...but it makes shit better if you know how to hack together some tracking, redirect, or basic landing page stuff.

Lynda . com is awesome, but fugging expensive. They have spreadsheets, drupal, wordpress, php, html, css, and anything else you could possibly want. Best of all, you can suck back a coffee and play it at 3x speed to get through an entire course in a (full-time) weekend.

While paying them is certainly 100% worth it, and you should totally do it because it's good to support these guys for making such awesome courses, cheapskates can get away with all kinds of stuff these days.
A successful marketer knows how to outsource the work he needs done. You can either be the guy doing the work, or the guy in control. And yes, you can find just about anything through google.
Thank you Tro Shi and Smidge for your replys.

Yes Tro Shi, that is indeed a tenant of succesful endevours, the skill of delegating task to those better then you, allowing you to utilize your time on that which you excel.

However, it is also important to consider (as others have pointed out) having at the very least a basic understanding of the concepts you delegate, so you can communicate effectively on said topics.

I will check Lynda, thanks smidge., followed by Rails for zombies.

(both free)

This. I started learning Ruby like two weeks ago, pretty much just for Rails.

TryRuby got me going and taught me alot of the ruby basics, although I didn't really enjoy Rails for Zombies, it just seemed to be a few lessons on ActiveRecord more than anything else.

Over the past week, I've broke away from the tutorials as such, and just started building things, and looking up things when I need them.

I like the fact that Rails seems to almost force you to do things the correct way, and actually pushes you away from taking nasty shortcuts (we've all done it before).

Anyway, the following two resources are practically invaluable in terms of knowledge.

The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Agile Web Development with Rails

Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example | Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial book and screencasts | by Michael Hartl

Agile Web Dev with Rails is awesome, but it does assume a little prior knowledge which people may struggle with if they're new to web programming in general. RailsTutorial pretty much goes over every little detail.