Banners vs links


Don™ Don™ Don™
Feb 19, 2010
Hatfield, UK

what does convert better for you? I currently keep banners but no success unfortunately ...

I got 89 hops and 0 sales =.=

Shall I try by putting links instead of banners?

What are your thoughts ?
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what does convert better for you? I currently keep banners but no success unfortunately ...

I got 89 hops and 0 sales =.=

Shall I try by putting links instead of banners?

What are your thoughts ?

89 hops is not nearly enough data to work with.
hops also means youre pitching a Clickbank ebook - so basically, there might be better offers out there
89 'hops' means you are probably not testing landing pages, offers, creatives, etc..

so go do that shit
What do you mean I have to test landing pages ?? I think there is only one landing page on that website I am referring to my visitors. My website is a blog on that topic and I use PPC. Have not found any other products on CB yet that offer the same stuff apart the two products.

Thanks for help anyway :)
What do you mean I have to test landing pages ?? I think there is only one landing page on that website I am referring to my visitors. My website is a blog on that topic and I use PPC. Have not found any other products on CB yet that offer the same stuff apart the two products.

Thanks for help anyway :)

Your "website on a blog" is what you need to test man. Try different colors, words, hell change up the whole copy. That is a true split test (also take into account the normal stuff, time, location etc. that will help you optimize further).
What do you mean I have to test landing pages ?? I think there is only one landing page on that website I am referring to my visitors. My website is a blog on that topic and I use PPC. Have not found any other products on CB yet that offer the same stuff apart the two products.

Thanks for help anyway :)

You need to drive more traffic 89 hits is not enough. Also, you need to mix it up with your lp and rotate different colors, text, etc and test/track to find what people are liking. Its really as simple as that. Hopefully after all of that you start profiting, or you might just end up with a shit offer. Good luck.
Text Links are for contextual (in content) ads.
Banners have to be used as a bait on a very targeted and hypnotic content page.

Other users have written to make split test and they refer to squeeze page test, never send traffic directly to merchant but make presell by yourself, you'll see an increase on CTR.
So you think I should add something and then have a nice link as order form to the actual page? This way it would look like I am offering this stuff ...

Great idea. Any ideas on attractive LPs?
okay ill throw ya a bone.. first off the only way to know if links work better than banners is to test.. also don't just fuck with clickbank sign up to some of the reputable networks and look for offers based around your blog/niche... as said above test test test.. your blog layout, ads, banners, colors, EVERYTHING.. even if you are profiting there is almost always money being left on the table and you won't know until you test..

89 hops is nothing significant to make any conclusions from so ummmm get more traffic..

suggestion im sure your using some lame stock creatives so your banners prolly don't work well anyway.. try writing your blog post based around the offers your promoting

blah blah blah blah is fucking awesome! I use blah blah blah mom and the dude railing her also like to use blah blah blah after trying two different kinds of blah blah blah... I decided that [LINK] is the best blah blah blah to use for blah blah blah..

inserting links into posts is very effective it pushes the user to click and if your blog post/adcopy doesn't suck gets them in buying mode.. the spinning meat on your screen should be a testament to how effective this can be..

now im going to post in the bump while high thread that is all...
A mix of both banners and text links work well for me. If they read, then they may be compelled to click on a text link. Those that simply skim text on a page are more likely to click on a banner imo.

Just installed WP hop plugin I believe it is called Link Hopper or something. Now placed quite big and visible link that redirects to the affiliated product via Link Hopper. Changed font to grren and bolded. Still the same £2/day for advertisements. Lets see how it performs.

By the way, the new product is in the same niche but almost 3 times cheaper. I am fine with $9/sale as long as it converts better.