banners wtf is it?


Not black.
Nov 28, 2007
a family member of mine is doign this and he's pretty confident that this company is leigt and wants me to sign up under him.

from skimming their shit. I'm reading mixed reviews. although it does sure look like some ponzi/ pyramid shit.

anyone know anything about this?

I wanna stop my family member from getting more involved in this shit.

oh and here's some NSFW PIC!


I saw them spamming a ton on fb affiliate groups, I thought it looked like garbage, and the way it was being promoted furthered my suspicions that it is indeed garbage
If it smells like a Ponz and you have no idea what the fuck their business model is, trust me, it's a Ponz.
I heard a guy raving about this on local radio a few months ago, saying he had convinced his family to invest $10k etc. It was obvious the guy knew nothing about the internet when he tried to explain how it worked. Absolutely stunk of Ponzi and I ended up shouting abuse at the radio presenter for not calling the dude out on it. True story bros
According to some people, you can make $1,000,000 in 2013 by using the combo of Banners Broker and Empower Network!

[ame=]How to make a $1,00,000 in 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

"Why does it seem like everyone is talking in code around here! I am already an Empower Network member, I joined last Sunday-- and here I am a week in and I feel like a dog chasing my own tail. How do I join the $49 a month Co-Op and what the hell is banners broker and how will it help me. This is so overwhelming I keep watching all the LONG YouTube videos (no one seems to say anything FAST in Internet Marketing) come out at the end more confused than I started."