Banner Design Service

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May 9, 2009
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Hey i am offering a design service for banner for cheap prices,

Banner Cheap Design

My Portfolio:

my prices are:

My Prices:
* Banner: $10.
* 3 Banners Pack: $28.
* 5 Banners Pack: $45.
* 8 Banners Pack: $70.
* 10 Banners Pack: $90.
* Flash Banner: $20.
* 3 Flash Banners Pack: $55.
* 5 Flash Banners Pack: $90.
* 8 Flash Banners Pack: $145.
* 10 Flash Banners Pack: $175.


You can see my work in here:

Cheap Banner Design

p.s i am accepting payment by paypal only!

if you are interested you can make an order here:
order: Cheap Banner Design
and you can also contact me in here

contact page:
Cheap Banner Design

if you are looking for any other design work:
Banners, Headers, LOGOs, Templates, Ebook ech...
you can take a look in our website:

Oald Desgin, Design Logo, Header, Ebook, Flyer, Banner, Card, Template, Flash work. And everything you need for Cheap Price

* Logo: 10$
* Company logo: 25$
* Ebook,software,cd,dvd cover: 10$
* Business Card: 10$
* Header: 10$
* Banner: 10$
* Flash Banner: 20$
* Template, Wordpress, Vbulletin ech..: 30$ (one page Template design
only psd file)
* Psd to Xhtml+CSS: 25$
* Mini Site Design+Coded: 45$

Thanks and for every problem or question you can just pm me or email me to here​

I, too, would love a chance to review this. If the produced banner is quality as the portfolio suggests, I'll probably end up purchasing the ten banner package.
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