Banner ads and rotating

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Lucky Noob.
Jan 7, 2008
I'm looking for some banner rotation software. I need it to rotate multiple banners in multiple positions on the page, and preferably serve them up using a geoip db or something. Anyone know of anything?

I have a few sites that are getting a couple hundred visitors a day, and I have been making a little money running CPA banners on them. I haven't been using any rotation other than manually changing them every couple days, but I've heard that constantly rotating increases CTR. One of the blogs has very targeted traffic for a bunch of CPA offers, but most of them are US only. That site has about 25-30% of it's traffic from other English speaking countries (UK, Canada, Australia).

Heh, after I posted this, I remembered I had downloaded the openx software, so I went and read more about it. Seems like exactly what I need, and free. Nice.
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