

New member
Jan 21, 2011
Some of you might have heard of him already but he left a bankstatement with an inspirational message in a cafe. Read about it here:

$13M Bank Statement left in Cafe with message

He created a Facebook page where he does a interesting Q&A:

One of the videos he linked (NOT his) looked pretty cool:
[ame=]The Startup Kids - Official Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

Hope someone gets as much out of it as I did...

Just found that thread and totally missed it (been trying to work and stay out of STS). Thanks quintana - sorry for double posting.

To make up for it... Here is a Q&A he did:


Hi guys, here's some questions I came across and have answered for you all. There's still many more I need to address, but that's why we have another day! I hope this helps some of you out! This one is a big one, so ENJOY!!

QUESTION: “How do you maintain focus when there are so many distractions?”

Today there is simply too many inputs into your brain. For me, I love consuming content and learning. I may start with one browser window on a certain topic and twenty minutes later have twenty tabs open looking at a whole spectrum of things. And that’s just in a content consuming scenario.
I’ve established some things that work for me, and hopefully they will help you too:

# For Content Consumption:

Choose the topic you want to research, identify two or three credible sources, have it be a book or a website, and stick within that realm. Complete the book, don’t skim through the chapter. Stay on that website, don’t give up and jump ship to another until you’re sure you’ve gotten all you could from that resource. Opening a whole bunch of things and trying to read from several different sources with several different approaches and writing styles will just get you nowhere.

# For Task Execution:

I’ve discovered that if I put a timeline on things, it just get’s done. I operate on pressure, so I like things to be contained in a set time. I even time any travel I have to do, dinner blocks, lunch blocks, everything. So, why not just block in a core task, i.e. reviewing payroll? Well, I do, but I also want to feel as though I will be eating time from something else *after* payroll. I never want to feel that I can just “let it slide”, I need to feel that “shoot, in 20 minutes I’ll be eating time away from my lunch, let’s focus here!”. Pressure helps me stay on task.

I Believe Josh asked this, so, if you need more clarification or if I didn’t hit on to what you were looking form let me know.

I hope it helps!

QUESTION: “What do you mean by 'Everything else can come later, as it's easier to get later than THIS?'”

Essentially, what I am saying here is that when you’re younger, it’s much easier to make your dreams come true. Generally, you will have less responsibilities compared to when you’re older. If you’re in your early to mid-20’s, you may still be living at home. You generally wouldn’t have as much expenses and responsibilities on your shoulder. You have that financial and/or responsibility buffer that you can play with when you’re not attached to too much.

On the contrary, if you were to try and invest in a new business, and put in 60 and 70 hour workweeks when you have a wife and kids, it wouldn’t fly so well. It wouldn’t be fair to your family, it would most likely cause strain on the relationship emotionally, and things would just go downhill from there. That being said, it’s not as if it doesn’t happen, there are those couples who team up, together, and go for it, but to be on that exact same page is very rare. So, I would personally choose to avoid all of that headache by making my bed first and then lying in it so to speak.

Hope that helps!

QUESTION: “Can you recommend 2 books that I must read in order to get to where you are financially? Cheers!”

I can name more than two! First, I would recommend reading this FIRST: “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. It will open your mind to the way the most successful people of all time have approached life, and these findings still hold true today. Once you’re done that book, you can go into more specific books such as: “The Millionaire Fastlane” by MJ DeMarco and “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey. Those two books will teach you how to apply your newfound mindset from Think and Grow Rich and hopefully get you to the execution stage of your dreams rather than the DREAMING part of your dreams!

Hope that helps!

QUESTION: “Whats your philosophy on "college education"? Worth the expense or waste of time?”

Very subjective, it all depends. I’ve touched this question in depth a few Q & A blocks down from this one, perhaps that answer will help you!
QUESTION: “What’s your opinion on MLM?”

I've always questioned the long term stability of MLM/NM, I've never really looked into them to fully understand the inner workings of it all. Sorry I couldn't have been of more help!

QUESTION: “What would your advice be to lower class worker making less then 25k a year?”

Well, I started off with a few thousand dollars, and used the profits from those ventures to fund subsequent ones. Someone asked something similar to this last night, when they wanted to get into tech. They only had a few hundred to spend, and as an example I said that with $150/Mo you could purchase a dedicated server for hosting services, and if you could find 20 clients to pay $10 or 10 clients to pay $20 a month you are automatically making $50 a month for doing nothing. That’s passive income. That’s the ticket. The $25K a year can be a lot or very little depending on your responsibilities.

I hope that helps!

QUESTION: “How can you make money your always on face book”

As some others have responded, “make your money work for you”. The answer is passive income!

QUESTION: “Can you be motivated to continue working in a company where what they do you have no passion for?”

This came in via a private message, and unfortunately I can’t see solid way to have continuous motivation. As cliché as it sounds, the passion is a requirement. However, you CAN look for opportunities in your daily routines of your role/position to which you feel you could apply to something you are passionate about, and then motivate yourself to perfect those routines/skillsets you know can be taken to something where you are passionate about. For example, perhaps I hated doing cold calling, but I really wanted to do radio! Practice your voice, your tones, practice how to deal with crazy callers and try different ways of saying things and study how they react, that way, if you ever go on to a radio host, you will know how to talk to people! There’s always opportunity somewhere to improve yourself!

QUESTION: “For your apparel business, do you manufacturer here in North America off shore and why?”

I have partnered with a Manufacturer here in North America, as well as some third-word nations where they are paid near North American level salaries; the reason for this is the brand’s core mission which is to empower those wear it and those who produce it. It’s not good “business” sense from a standard perspective, but it is from an outside the box perspective. People appreciate things made responsibly and in their home country.
Dude is probably asian because his grammar sucks

13 million guy said:
Today there is simply too many inputs into your brain.
plural, there are

13 million guy said:
I’ve discovered that if I put a timeline on things, it just get’s done.
they just get done and wtf is with the apostrophe in gets

13 million guy said:
You generally wouldn’t have as much expenses and responsibilities on your shoulder
have as many ... on your shoulder(s)
Hosting as passive income?! That guy is smoking crack or something. The amount of handholding required for those 10 or 20 people will out weight the $50 profit you make.
Dude is probably asian because his grammar sucks

plural, there are

they just get done and wtf is with the apostrophe in gets

have as many ... on your shoulder(s)

the majority of people of all races I meet (that live in my English speaking country) couldn't write properly to save their lives.
Haha yes - I tried to run a web hosting company back when I was 15 or so, even managing 10 clients was a massive pain in the ass.
Look out for my product next month. I'm going to be dropping off fake bank statements in cafes around the country.