Bangkok Hygiene


New member
Aug 13, 2012
I'm considering going there for a while, but I'm somewhat of a sissy when it comes to bad hygiene, or bedbugs, cockroaches, and mosquitoes.

How bad is it really?
When I rent a normal apartment there, can I expect that such pests will live there with me?

I also noticed extreme price differences to the western world. For example a suite in a 5 Star Hotel like the Peninsula costs "just" 500 USD per night in Bangkok, while a comparable suite in the Peninsula New York would cost around 4400 USD per night.
When I go to a Hotel that costs just 50-100 USD per night, what to expect there than in contrast?

If you have a room that costs $500/night there I believe the ladyboys are included, whereas if your room only costs $50-$100/night you have to pay extra for them. I've never been there, but I read it on the Internet so I know it's true.

edit: also, I don't believe they charge extra for the roaches and bedbugs, but it depends on the place.
$50USD is probably going to get you a three star hotel, $100USD is going to get you a four star hotel and then it jumps up a bit to around $200USD+ for a five star hostel.

As long as you're not planning on staying in a place that costs like $20USD a night or less then there is nothing to worry about in terms of bedbugs, cockroaches etc.

Although if you go anywhere outside of the hotel, be prepared for the stench. You get used to it after awhile and most of it comes from the cooking of different foods that you are most likely not used to.

Also it's a bit retarded to compare one hotel in the most expensive place in the world (New York) with Bangkok. No shit it's cheaper, that said I doubt that'd risk their brand if the place was anything but the best.

Enjoy your time, and consider doing a few things outside of whatever your hotel recommends - otherwise you might as well just stay in the US.
Mosquitos are hard to avoid. If you're outside, you're going to get bit unless you slather yourself in Deet.

Like tencentpiece says, if you're staying in anything $100 and up, expect western level accommodations.

You have to remember that a lot of people who go to Thailand are not staying in the nicer hotels which might be where you're getting some of the horror stories. They look for the $10 hotel rooms and $15 hostels. And they get what they pay for.

I stayed at a $25 hotel in Phuket and woke up to the largest spider I had ever seen before in my life. I've also stayed in similar priced rooms all over the country and it's pretty common for geckos to be in your room. They eat the spiders, flies, and mosquitos (which are also in your room) though so you actually want them in your room. They can be a little loud (toook, toook, toookie) at night if you're a light sleeper.

Bad hygiene you'll find everywhere in Thailand. It's a huge culture shock for westerners. But, if you stay there any length of time you'll start to notice just how big of sissies we are back home. Thailand and the western world are at opposite ends of the spectrum so if you stay there for awhile you might get to the middle ground.

However, I will say, Thais do not stink. They take 2 or more showers every day. They might pick their nose or their feet in public but they're fanatical about keeping their bodies clean.
As everyone said allready, if you stay with well known international chains, the standards will be just as good if not better in Bangkok. If you stay in a cheap ass faggy hippy hostel then you get what you pay for, which isn't much.

Apartments that are rented short term on the monthly are dumps unless you pay at least $1000 a month for comparable western standards.

Don't drink the tap water, don't eat seafood, don't eat any food that isn't freshly prepared (i.e. buffets), don't have unprotected sex with whores, don't kiss any whore, don't go anywhere near or with a ladyboy, don't pet the dogs, don't do drugs, don't stay in cheap guesthouses, avoid travelling on highways as much as possible, don't drive a motorbike when drunk, don't be a smartass with the locals.

Adhere to the above and you'll be fine.
Stay in the city, as close to Rama I as you can afford, and stay for more than $50 a night there. You'll do very well @ $100 a night, more clean and luxurious (with fewer insects) than you can do for $100 a night here in the USA.

Sometimes you get lucky, too. I've stayed in a $50 a night hotel before near the royal stadium (the Alexander) and it was great, actually. No insects, everything was clean, great buffet downstairs. Not as super-Lux as downtown, but hygene was no problem.
hygene was no problem.

always consider the source.

pic related: it's Luke.

Silly Ice salesman, everyone knows what I look like:


Although in the desert we do have a bit of a sweating problem so your point is still valid. :/
This is not at all the thread I expected when I clicked the title. I squinted when I clicked to block out the expected images of poor ladyboy hygiene.

When I arrived it was about hotel standards. What the fuck OP? :D
Bangkok hotels are fine. Even the lower end hotel like Asia Hotel Bangkok is pretty good albeit they're haunted. I like the breakfast there. It's walking distance to the shopping district there.
I've been to thailand several times, and have had a blast each time. Stop worrying so much about some stupid bugs/hygeine issues and just go enjoy it. Bangkok is like any other big city, the more you pay the nicer your accomodations.
I've been travelling in SE Asia for the quite a long time now, so I'm happy to give you my perspective.

You will need some time to adept to the hygiene in SE Asia. The only place I have been that has really great hygiene standards is Singapore, countries like Malaysia and Thailand are so so.

Basically, come here and give it some time. Bangkok is for sure one of the best cities in terms of entertainment. The standard of Bangkok hotels is a lot higher when compared to Philippines.
It's not too bad, and nothing to complain about. Waking up with 6 inch scorpions crawling around on your face can sometimes be a pain, and within 72 hours your body is usually covered with red bites and rashes, plus there's a decent chance you'll end up in the hospital with dengue fever due to the number of infected mosquitos around, and so on.

Make sure to always look into your ears with a small mirror in the morning as well. Alot of times maggots or spiders will crawl in there at night, and lay eggs. Worst part is you don't even realize it until they've hatched, then you have like 120 maggots crawling throughout your ear, into your brain, out onto your face, etc.

Don't worry about snakes though, as most hotels come with a snake catcher in the room, so when they crawl into your bed, you can easily catch them and whip them off your balcony.

Other than basic common stuff like that, it's totally fine. Hope you have a good trip!