Ballers TV Show


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Sick new TV series starring Dwayne Johnson, anyone watch it? If not, go do it! It's like Entourage but involves professional athletes in Miami instead of movie stars in LA, produced by Mark Wahlberg too.

idk man, i instantly write off anything with The Rock in it as "corny as fuck"

trailer made it look dope though
i think its pretty good. maybe cause its after the shit show known as True Detective. It's kind of like Entourage but for sports
It grew on me. I'm a fan.

Needed something to watch since Veep was over and was waiting for True Detective 2 to get better (I like the first one waaaaaaay better, but the 2nd season was good towards the end).
I instantly liked this show and became a fan. I mostly dislike Rock's other stuff and I really thought San Andreas was boring. The characters are great and the story is entertaining. Reggie, Ricky and Charles all have storylines that are funny. I don't think the balding white guy is funny. He plays the same role in every show and movie. His real life interviews are awkward because he tries to be the same character. He fits in the show because it's all he knows though.
Checked out first few episodes, it'll be another HBO hit for sure, it's awesome. It's like Homeland if Homeland wasn't bad.

Homeland was a decent show, Brink is lame comedy. Different types of shows completely.
Just binge-watched Narcos on Netflix and I must say that show is pretty badass.
Homeland was a decent show, Brink is lame comedy. Different types of shows completely.

It was "decent" maybe the first season. Then lack of fucks ensued. Love drama for bitches.

Brink is hilarious. Do you need a laugh track to realize the funny parts, or? It's a "lame comedy" like True Detective is a "deep show full of meaning". It is as much as you receive from it. I lol so hard reading people analyze it here.