bahh--lost money from ppc

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
hey guys,
i recently tried out a little of ppc,..and i lost money:crying: Albeit, i did not lose a lot(about $25), nonetheless, it is still money especially since i have very little to spend since i am just getting into this. I put keywords up in searchfeed, 7search and miva each with $25 in them and miva got me search results, but pretty much no click throughs. i suspect some click fraud going on because one IP has been coming back in 17 times and others 4-9xs. As for 7search and searchfeed, i haven't getting many clicks on my ads at all. maybe my listings aren't catchy enough or something, but i have generally #1 positions(if not, at least top 3) and am not getting a lot of clicks(combined total of 8 clicks) of course, maybe i picked a bad niche with not enough searchers or maybe not enough keywords. (about 200)

here is my site, whatever i don't care, not making much anyways... Also, even with the 8clicks(which i trust more than the miva clicks), i have gotten no click throughs. Any and all suggestions would be great. thanks.

yeah, i think it is down for the moment. server must be down...just went down i think, hopefully it will be up again

huff...dreamhost..i seem to be making all the wrong decisions!

yeah, the error establishing...has happened before. last time i think it was the server was down. *sigh*
Make the header smaller, subdue the colors, and don't use miva. That should help out a lot.
katoved said:
Also, your:

Should be the layout u want to use for your index page. I would estimate that 80% of your site visitors will leave after visiting the first page. Not that the site is bad, but thats where most site exits occur.

Definately. and you should be using the ad blocks that have the most possible ads showing. IE, 336x280, leaderboards etc
Ok, so I should change the index page to "pay and benefits"? that will get the most click throughs/stay arounds for a little longer? And also subdue the colors? What colors do you guys think might be better?

Also, what do you guys suggest for clickfraud programs? and programs that will tell you your clickthrough rate/where the clicker is from(7search or searchfeed)?
juniodude said:
Ok, so I should change the index page to "pay and benefits"? that will get the most click throughs/stay arounds for a little longer? And also subdue the colors? What colors do you guys think might be better?
He meant the way your pay & benefits page is should be the same layout you use on your index page. ie: ad placement
argh, huff,..forgot to check

edit: well at least i got 3 click throughs...then again, maybe it's just u guys....
hey guys, does anyone know why my pics dont show up in ie? is it because i use div to center it?
<div style="text-align:center;"<img alt="Travel Nursing" title="Travel Nursing" src="/image.jpg"/>
are there any other ways to center it?

edit: nvm, a simpe mistake in coding. forgot the ">" to close the div ;(

edit2: does anyone know how i can make the link block on my side bar get closer to my page's links in ie, without making them look to close on firefox? Now all i use are "<br />"'s but they seem to show up as different distances in the two browsers
Also guys, if you have any suggestions, please remember to answer this question
Also, what do you guys suggest for clickfraud programs? and programs that will tell you your clickthrough rate/where the clicker is from(7search or searchfeed)?
Does anyone use asrep?
juniodude said:
hey guys, does anyone know why my pics dont show up in ie? is it because i use div to center it?
<div style="text-align:center;"img alt="Travel Nursing" title="Travel Nursing" src="/image.jpg"/>
are there any other ways to center it?

edit: nvm, a simpe mistake in coding. forgot the ">" to close the div ;(

edit2: does anyone know how i can make the link block on my side bar get closer to my page's links in ie, without making them look to close on firefox? Now all i use are "<br />"'s but they seem to show up as different distances in the two browsers
you forgot to close your the begining <div> comment.

Nevermind...I didn't see your edit. :p
I'm looking at the placement now but when using <br> you don't need a / in it.
how much are you paying per click? If you've gotten only 8 clicks from 7search/searchfeed, and a bunch from miva, you shouldn't have blown through $25. If you're doing arbitrage, .05/click is about tops you should pay, .10 *maybe* if your target is high pay keywords.

There is always the chance that the particular traffic you're getting just isn't converting because it's a bad niche. Some niches convert better than others - for example if you're targetting a tech savy audience you're less likely to get clicks than from those who may not have experience with computers (and hence less ad blindness).
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