Bagram Airfield Crash


The Freeway Killer
Mar 1, 2009
Plane just drops after take off, this shit cray!

[ame=]Bagram airfield crash 29 apr 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

How can dood see that happen right in front of him and not say a word? you can hear background noise and car engines so you know the mic works fine

edit: even an "ooh fuck" and dog whimper a minute or so later.
How can dood see that happen right in front of him and not say a word? you can hear background noise and car engines so you know the mic works fine

edit: even an "ooh fuck" and dog whimper a minute or so later.

How can dood see that happen right in front of him and not say a word? you can hear background noise and car engines so you know the mic works fine

edit: even an "ooh fuck" and dog whimper a minute or so later.

Everyday life of terrorists over there. no soulz.
Looks/sounds like he's an Australian defense contractor based there. His dog made some sounds. Both are not shocked by this, just seem to be disappointed/saddened/depressed. Its Afghanistan. I'm sure this is not shocking to them at all, just.. FUBAR. Like all the other unfortunate shit that happens out there that cannot be explained or comprehended, rationally.

Can't blame him for not reacting like us. We're not based there. We don't have to put up with everyday nonsense that they get to deal with. Soldiers and contractors alike. For out of towners, its just another day in the suck.
Yeah that does really suck.

Says only 7 people died? How is that, it looked like a disco inferno out there.
Yeah that does really suck.

Says only 7 people died? How is that, it looked like a disco inferno out there.
It was a cargo plane. I'm guessing anyone in it got obliterated, but no passengers onboard.

Seems ridiculous having an airport where you have to do such incredibly steep takeoffs in a country filled with large deserts.
looks more like the cargo moved in take off to the back of the plane tipping the nose up then a stall.
looks more like the cargo moved in take off to the back of the plane tipping the nose up then a stall.

Thats actually a possibility that the load shifted aft beyond the center of gravity because every pilot in the world is trained to pitch for Best Glide after an engine failure...its all about keeping the AOA below the critical angle of attack regardless of what lays ahead of you. Also the 747 has both a shaker and pusher so VERY difficult to accidently stall one of those.

The other thing i've once seen is a Caribou take off and exceed the critical angle and stall and that was due to a safety pin being left in the elevator therby jamming it at full deflection...poor fuckers.

Anyway, you just enver know what causes these accidents until after the investigation is complete...but I normally never try to throw the crew under the bus if ya know what I mean.

RIP Guys! I'll have a beer for you tonight!
and FUCK....I know one of the guys on-board....I didnt realise it was National Air Cargo.
How can dood see that happen right in front of him and not say a word? you can hear background noise and car engines so you know the mic works fine

edit: even an "ooh fuck" and dog whimper a minute or so later.

I know. What the fuck? Does this person not have any emotions at all?
What ITE said. Crazy stall.
That was my first thought, but on looking at the comments on LiveLeak, apparently that steepness is normal there. So potentially a heavy gust of wind tipping the (already unstable, due to the steepness) plane, causing the pilot to overcorrect, sending it into a corkscrew?
From a commenter on Youtube

The pilot did not just "screw up". The reports are that the plane was carrying several MRAPs (Google it) in the cargo hold, and one or more of them came loose (or were not properly secured in the first place) and slid towards the back of the plane during take-off. Try to find a pilot who can counter a sudden weight shift like that upon takeoff. It's not possible. The sudden weight transfer instantly changed the angle of the plane and stalled the engines. There was nothing he could do to save it.