Bad at CSS but Good at Addition?

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And you can too!
May 25, 2007
Denver, CO
Did a quick search but didn't see anything posted on this yet. Just an FYI for anyone who does LP or website design.

One of the designers I follow on Twitter put this out there the other day: 960 Grid System

The concept is a CSS framework based on using 960 pixels of width and dividing that into 12 or 16 columns. You can then specify div's of a given width based on the number of columns you want to use for an element. Essentially, this makes CSS more like tables (it's tough to explain, so just check out the demo page: 960 Grid System — Demo).

I have always had trouble visualizing the interaction of div's within a page, but this framework makes it super simple. I've cranked out 5 sites using this framework already, and I can go from design (Photoshop templates are included) to fully coded in just a couple hours.

Best of all, it's free.

Just thought the WF community might enjoy playing around with this. I have always had very little design talent, and this has made my month.

Go get money :rasta:

Yeah, I just did search for and nothing came up. It's made my life a ton easier so I figured I'd share.

Nice resource list there, you should make that it's own post and get it stickied.
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