Bad Ass Website

Shitty website look, (1999 called...) and I'm pretty sure it's yours. Lame.

On a side note, this picture is fucking awesome!


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Good website. Read it a while ago. The authors book is a good read as well. More websites/books like this?
Cool site! I guess you transferred it to your own hosting before Geocities went down?
Check out this website that profiles some of the biggest BAD ASSES of all time

Badass of the Week


Good website. Read it a while ago. The authors book is a good read as well. More websites/books like this?

Ban for the circle jerk reach around. Suck the OPs dick much Dr.?

Where are the Mods? Lord B? Won't someone clean this place up a boot these dumb fucks?
Suck the OPs dick much Dr.?

Nope. I read an article last year by the author on The article linked to that site. Here's the article: The 7 Most Badass Last Stands in the History of Battle |

It has been viewed 1,265,862 times. It was posted Nov 07, 2009.

Here are two other articles I had read of his before this thread that link to his website:
6 People Who Secretly Ruled The World |
5 True War Stories That Put Every Action Movie to Shame |

So... now you look like a stupid cunt. You're overly frustrated about this issue. Chill out. Pop some of your pills. I'm sure you have plenty at hand.
Getting past that horrible web design, I thought there may possibly be some interesting historical info somewhere on these pages and then you look through and spot the recent entry: Badass of the Week - Wolverine? WTF?! Know your audience.