- like it? love it? worth it?

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New member
Sep 9, 2008
Just wrote an auto-ad-poster for ... Wondering if I wasted my time..

Anyone had any success with this site?

If I were to polish up my app and offer it as a service would anyone be interested? How much would you be willing to pay (honest opinions only)?


Less than what I'd pay for an automatic craigslist poster. Not being snippy, just food for thought. Look at what automatic craigslist posting software costs and shave off a bit.

Backpage is good, but there nowhere near craigslist. Now if you also built in something that posts to Oodle (which syndicates to a bunch of other sites), that would make it more valuable.
i'll check out oodle.

And yeah, obviously it would be a lot less than a CL poster... backpage's volume doesnt seem to be there. Working on a few other sites too, i might create a subscription service which gives access to several of my autoposters. stay in touch~
Less than what I'd pay for an automatic craigslist poster. Not being snippy, just food for thought. Look at what automatic craigslist posting software costs and shave off a bit.

Backpage is good, but there nowhere near craigslist. Now if you also built in something that posts to Oodle (which syndicates to a bunch of other sites), that would make it more valuable.

Good luck with this. Its not about the software. Its about your IP's. CL made some HUGE chages this week that fucked a lot of people.
you need phone verified accounts. And they're also getting WAY liberal with banning c-blocks. be careful!
Not all areas need phone-verified accounts. I'm only using 2 sections of CL and in a select handful of geographic areas and I haven't had a problem with either of the two automated systems I'm using. Just did my last round of posting about 10 minutes ago.
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