Backlinks from Articles question


New member
Aug 31, 2010
So for now I have been using forum posts and tumblr to create backlinks but I know I need to diversify. Question is I'm having a hard time finding places to submit articles.

What are some good sites to submit articles too? Also is there a program where I can submit the same article to several different sites at once or do I have to submit each article manually?

The only programs I have right now are scrapebox but I plan on buying The Best Spinner here soon to help with my article creation. Anything else I should have?

Hello JC Smith,

Good sites for submitting your articles are,,, & these are the 5 sites I use. You can get a list of article directories on this site: there's 100 sites there.

& avoid posting the same article on multiple directories, your backlinks won't have a lot of weight. If you post the same article on 10 different directories the 1st one to be approved will be your backlink & the rest will be duplicate content/backlinks so it won't have a lot of weight compared to when you create unique content for all the directories...

This is where article spinning software comes in handy.. you just write 1 original article & with the software, you can turn 1 article into 10 or more articles but I always use 5 spun articles to submit to 5 directories... this way I'm guaranteed quality backlinks.

The best moment was when I had hubpages article on 2nd place in Google & my ezine article on 6th position... so avoid sending the same article on different directories. & there's a lot of good software to automate the submission but I do it manually.

All The Best!