Backend for Tracking My Own Offers


New member
Sep 7, 2007
Curious, what's out there that will help me with launching and managing my own offers, tracking especially

It depends on what you need in the back end. For our system, we started with one of the standard ones that JoshTodd suggested. But quickly saw that it did not have the level of customization we needed, so we built our own in-house.

Some questions to think about:
Do you just need a tracking pixel on the thank you page?
Do you need to manage member/login area?
How are you handeling payments? If on your own, are you PCI compliant?

just some food for thought

Tracking is only a part of the solution you'll need. If you want any chance of making your product/service/whatever work as a campaign, you'll need to have custom reporting that can provide you with very granular reporting. This will allow you to measure the success/failure of changes you make to your site and will also allow you to remove those affiliates who are not backing out and possibly pay more to those affiliates that are making you money.