BackDoor PornSite! + Some Other Info Thats Not As Important As A Membership

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Nah i got it covered. Seems to be working fine though. But if i need another tester ill hit you up.
Thats cool. Cuz Im sure I would find every bug possible as I like to rip through these things. I need to code me up one as well. I just gotta get the hang of c#...
Your email accounts are forwarding to "", did you get your script to do this automatically too?
Does it? Thanks for that check zimok no i did not program it to do this. But hey thats great if it does forward to a central account :)
I have just perfected my bot and im looking for a couple of after beta testers just to make sure it 100% works before i start selling them. Im looking for past programmers and regular people who need accounts like zimok just to get a feel for what you want and need
Yo im in need of a good gmail creator software. Been buying them and getting sick of waiting for them when i need them immediately for projects. When will you be releasing this piece?
I have just perfected my bot and im looking for a couple of after beta testers just to make sure it 100% works before i start selling them. Im looking for past programmers and regular people who need accounts like zimok just to get a feel for what you want and need
Im still up for beta if you need. I will put the bot through extreme use and output everything I find and suggestions. Let me know.
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