Back after an absense - plugin/app development?


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Hi all,

After a bit of a prolonged absence (protip: if you work for a firm of Private Investigators, tell them *in advance* if you're earning money on the side), my circumstances have changed and I'm looking back at this market again :)

I recently moved to Poland, and have been earning a few pennies freelancing via Rent A Coder. 6 weeks and about $1,800 richer and I've realised that I'm doing hard work for little over $10/hour.

So then. I've been a developer for over ten years, know internet technologies intimately, can set up Linux, Unix and Windows servers to run ASP.NET or PHP websites and scripts accessing MySQL databases with millions upon millions of records in them.

Am I being a fool in thinking that there's money to be made in decent, reliable and innovative wordpress plugins, twitter interfaces and so on? I have seen various bits of kit such as WP Robot, or various link managers, and *know* I can do them... am I kidding myself about the revenue they might bring in?

Finally, is there a plugin or piece of kit that you want but no-one will develop? Please, let me steal your idea! ;-)


PS Yes, I *could* just go and get a "real" job. Screw that!