Baby Chicks Sent To The Grinder


Call me "inhuman" for this, but fuck all that "ooh the poor chicks! :crying:" bullshit. To me this is hardly different than a fruits/veggies harvest, just another industrialized system to manufacture a product. We just squirm a little more to this video because we can relate to the chicks being "alive" more than we relate to the way plants are "alive."

It's not like their killing off every chicken on the face of the earth.
that is so dam fucked up, I wouldnt be able to work at a place like that.
Alright well that was fucked up and it denying life is sick. But... the problem with that dudes video is that he says:

They are put through the grinder while still alive.

It's possible that the are no longer conscious but it still really sucks that birds aren't covered by the 1950 humane slaughter act. Ugh, I can't even imagine what goes in other countries.
Eh , I haven't by chance heard what they do with the ground up product, if it's profitable , it's profitable.

HOWEVER , I know personally , I'd be curious about the possibility of free-ranging them for meat.

The problem with laying chickens is they're not designed for producing meat, just like meat chickens don't do that great for laying.

Sure ,it's sad they don't do anything with them , but worse things happen in life.

Furthermore , PETA higher ups have been KNOWN to kill their own pets (One lady left her large dog in the car for 8 hours on a 90+ day because she was late to work). Heck , their shelter in VA killed 20k+ dogs last year alone!
Well if a farm has 150,000 chicks a day that they have no use for, what would it be like to put 150,000 a day outside?

I mean that's over 1 Million a week, 4 or 5 million a month, and 52 million a year. No way could they sustain those numbers for free ranging on a farm. If there is no profit to be made off of them, then there is no way anyone is going to pay to care for and feed them.

The grinder is actually pretty human compared to putting that many outside and letting the natural predators rip them apart while they are still alive.

In our sterilized industrial society people seem to forget about the fact that animals are killed to feed us. Also, humans are one of the few organisms on this planet that only on rare occasions die while something is eating them. 99% of all living things die while watching something eat them.

They've even done studies to show that planets have "feelings" so to speak which means that even living as a vegan you are still killing and injuring a life form.

On planet earth, whether plant, animal, or microbe something must die in order for it to live.

Consider when you eat fruit that you are eating an egg. Taking away that plant's future.

Even plants use other dead plants and animals for nutrients.

I personally thoroughly enjoy interacting with animals and growing plants. To me, children and animals are the innocents on this planet that need the intervention of rational & compassionate adults on their behalf.

Every living thing has a what I call a life force that has value. Unfortunately all things must die.

I agree with a statement I once heard made by an Australian Surfer, "When humans go into the ocean they become part of the food chain, and they are NOT very high up on it." The same is true for the wilderness if you don't have any weapons available.

The grinder may be sad and seem cruel, but in the overall big picture it really isn't.
Fuck going veggie, but there is something really fucked up about the industrialised farming shit.

I'm sure most of us don't buy the dirt cheap eggs and chicken for taste reasons if not for ethical ones, but millions are poor dumb fuckers would rather have cheap food and not care where it comes from than go without what not so long ago were luxury items.

I've always gone free-range for eggs (and more recently RSPCA "freedom food" for poultry) but at the weekend I found out from a trainee vet friend that Barn eggs are actually better for welfare as there's less disease and fighting.

Just hope that the 'waste' from this shit is actually used for something unlike a lot of male dairy calves that are also not needed and slaughtered. (Buy pink veal.. it's fuckin delicious!)
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Well, that's life... you can't stand it, don't eat chicken... be a vegetarian..

Bollocks! That's what they both the industrial farmers and the fanatical veggies want you to think, that it's a straight choice.

The other option is to check out where your food comes from and spend the little bit extra cash to get stuff with decent welfare standards.

Surely there's choices in American supermarkets and stores isn't there? Even those cunts Walmart (ASDA here) sell ethical shit.
And that's how they make Chicken Mcnuggets. Now ya know.:conehead: