B2B vs B2C Marketing

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New member
Nov 15, 2006
Does anyone have any suggestions about general concepts that work when advertising B2B through PPC.

I have had plenty of success doing B2C type stuff through PPC. I understand that B2B is a different beast and as such we have made some changes to strategies.

We have found out that in B2B having a phone number to call is generally a big help as well as instant gratification information. These are business people and they would prefer answers immediately and in the quickest time as opposed to waiting for a quote or a phone call back.

The frustration here has been there has been no consistancy. What has worked in some places completely bombs in others. Anyone have any experience with B2B in multiple niches/verticals that would be willing to share anything. Even general idea would be fine you don't have to get specific I'm not looking to scrounge up niche ideas.

Here are a few things I have seen that can work.

-Phone leads as mentioned above
-Some type of comparison type system where the B2B customer can compare services quickly and easily.
-Multiple ways to monetize on the page...exclusive lead, shared lead, phone lead, % of a sale, etc..

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