AzoogleAds Contradiction Terms of Service?

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New member
Nov 27, 2006

I'm looking at starting an incentivitized website with a certain twist. My concern is that AzoogleAds gives us incentivitized offers, but the below in the terms of service is really confusing me. Could someone please help me clear this up?

Cannot offer incentives to users to click on ads; incentives include but are not limited to awarding them cash, points, prizes, contest entries, etc.
Direct Link to Azoogle TOS

I'm also looking for other Affiliate companies that allow/offer incentivitized offers, as I do not want to put all my eggs in one basket. (Reputable companies though please..) I have an account at Copeac, Millnic, AzoogleAds..but as far as I can tell Copeac and Millnic don't offer incentivitized offers.)

Copeac does but most are "S"ale and not "L"ead campaigns. Do a search on copeac for "can be incentived" or however you spell it.

A quick question, which software did you go with for you incentive site or did you create your own? I've been looking at a couple different ones because I plan on setting something up at the end of the month but I can't decide what to go with.
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I'm looking at starting an incentivitized website with a certain twist. My concern is that AzoogleAds gives us incentivitized offers, but the below in the terms of service is really confusing me. Could someone please help me clear this up?

Direct Link to Azoogle TOS

I'm also looking for other Affiliate companies that allow/offer incentivitized offers, as I do not want to put all my eggs in one basket. (Reputable companies though please..) I have an account at Copeac, Millnic, AzoogleAds..but as far as I can tell Copeac and Millnic don't offer incentivitized offers.)

You can ask your AM for offers that can be incentivized and if youre looking for something specific they can find it for you and bring it in.

Thanks for raising this. Perhaps it is a little unclear, and I'll have our counsel look into making a small revision.

Just for clarity: Incentivization is NOT permitted, unless the offer has "incentive" traffic type enabled. So, by default, an offer cannot be incentivized unless we give explicit permission for the offer to be incentivized.

Incentivized traffic sucks, especially for the advertisers. Unless you are using a ton of really low paying coreg offers sending the user through coreg hell, then you'll make some okay cash, but nothing huge. Once you start making them fill out CPA type of offers or free trial stuff, then the advertisers experience crazy cancellation rates and huge amounts of chargebacks. Not to mention most networks now refuse to accept incentive traffic because they just don't want to deal with the advertiser bitching about the leads or lack of real sales 30 days later...
Incentivized traffic sucks, especially for the advertisers. Unless you are using a ton of really low paying coreg offers sending the user through coreg hell, then you'll make some okay cash, but nothing huge. Once you start making them fill out CPA type of offers or free trial stuff, then the advertisers experience crazy cancellation rates and huge amounts of chargebacks. Not to mention most networks now refuse to accept incentive traffic because they just don't want to deal with the advertiser bitching about the leads or lack of real sales 30 days later...

Does that experience go for a site that just offers an incentive program for it's user base and that incentive program isn't the sites main focus?

For example, you have a health site that your user base interacts with in a community and you offer an incentive program where your users can earn supplements and such.
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