Azooglead ID

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New member
Sep 7, 2006
There anyway to figure out an affiliate by their ID?

If it's in the 2000's would it be safe to assume they signed up when azoogle was new?

Whoever it is is linking directly to their aff link on a 3rd tier ppc engine.


Sort of like how you are all so worried about why I asked this question and why I won't mind my own business?
there their and they're

Sometimes you have assmonkeys that steal your exact layout or you might want to contact someone and ask them for permission to use there layout or something....

I dont think it does matter. I have linked direct and non with azoogle

This has nothing to do with "their" layout. It's not even a page they're laying out. I don't really even care what they are doing over "there".

Why are they so many fucking "theiyre's" to confuse poor Shoemoney.

I really could care less about this person and "their" direct linking to an affiliate program which really includes no layout in the first place. I wouldn't even need permission to use "their" layout, because frankly it sucks. I, was, however curious as to why they were so stupidly advertising "their" aff program.
If you think the way they are advertising it is stupid, then why do you care?

Stupid is bad, right?

By the way, the whole spelling/typo/grammar police thing is very stupid too.
Sometimes you have assmonkeys that steal your exact layout or you might want to contact someone and ask them for permission to use there layout or something....

While I totally agree with finding people who rip your stuff, going to the trouble of finding out who the advertiser is because he doesn't agree with how they advertise is fucking retarded.
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