Azoogle whoring Jonathan Volk = LMAO


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Got this email from Azoogle today. It was a lot prettier but I'm too lazy to take a screenshot so here is the relevant bits:

Edition 69 - February 25, 2010



Jonathan Volk, the well-known online marketer and blogger, has written a FREE guide to Affiliate Marketing! We highly recommend visiting his blog at and downloading the guide by clicking here.

In this guide, Jon takes you from start to finish by explaining what Affiliate Marketing is and perhaps, more importantly, what “not” to do. Any successful publisher knows that in order to be successful in this industry, you need to work at it every day. There is no special secret or guarantee that you will always run a successful campaign. This is a game of trial and error but knowing where to start, what companies to trust and which affiliate network(s) to work with is definitely key. Of course, we’re happy to be one of the networks he highly recommends!
Throughout the guide, you will find information on all the different methods Jonathan has used as well as how to pick the right offer!

If you are interested in learning more about your craft, click here to download the free guide for yourself and start learning.

P.S: We highly recommend you pay close attention to Jonathan’s blog in the coming days!
There might be a very Special Surprise awaiting a few of his lucky readers…STAY TUNED!
If you bother to click through you land at a cheesy email capture page to access the ebook (which I will NOT be doing thank you very much).

Anybody else see this and wonder what perverse sexual acts Volk had to perform to arrange this? Or is it just that I'm new to Azoogle and they do this kind of whoring all the time?

Can anybody actually comment on the quality of the ebook? From what I read of peoples comments it's "guru crap 101" and you get a ton of autoresponder spam.

I had good lolz seeing this.

I read it last night. Almost like the nickycakes guide plus more sans speaking in third person. He covered basic topics that every newb should know so for a beginner (hence 101), this guide is very usefull.
shoe divorced azoogle for media breakaway
jv's married to az

it's all about the highest bidder
I LOL'd when I first saw it.

It's Volk's attempt to build a solid list obviously...But can't believe Azoogle whored to their 40K+ affiliates - his shitty ebook filled with his affiliates links...

WTF Azoogle. Don't send me emails to try out some XYZ Affiliate's shitty ebooks. This is ridiculous.
If you bother to click through you land at a cheesy email capture page to access the ebook (which I will NOT be doing thank you very much).

Can anybody actually comment on the quality of the ebook? From what I read of peoples comments it's "guru crap 101" and you get a ton of autoresponder spam.

Email address, what a big deal... :-/ Search google for "disposable email", find something like guerillamail that gives you a tem active email for an hour or so and use it, see the ebook for yourself. Ebook is decent, another am101.
Email address, what a big deal... :-/ Search google for "disposable email", find something like guerillamail that gives you a tem active email for an hour or so and use it, see the ebook for yourself. Ebook is decent, another am101.

LOL--you think I don't know how to do this? It was more the fact that I don't care enough to go through the hassle because I already know more or less the crap it will contain.
I LOL'd when I first saw it.

It's Volk's attempt to build a solid list obviously...But can't believe Azoogle whored to their 40K+ affiliates - his shitty ebook filled with his affiliates links...

WTF Azoogle. Don't send me emails to try out some XYZ Affiliate's shitty ebooks. This is ridiculous.

This and what Pharmhand said as well. Azoogle has a wide range of affiliates in terms of what they earn and their experience levels, but I think at some level this is just a slap in the face to all of them. I would assume (perhaps incorrectly so) that 99.9% of Azoogle affiliates know Affiliate Marketing 101.

Not only have they drastically lowered their credibility in my eyes (and I'm sure many of yours as well), but you can be damned sure I'll never look at an email from them and think "hey that might be useful" again. I can't say I won't open them because I probably will so I can copy/paste to WF to make fun of them again.
@OP: Azoogle's probably gonna identify you by looking up the unique click link that you copied-pasted in this thread. LOL.
LOL, that's pretty ridiculous. I know Azoogle has been around forever and a lot of networks broker offers through them but I just can't take them serious.

Here are a couple reasons I don't work with them:

  • When I was a beginner, I didn't cloak my links and my fuckwad of a manager was always snooping around my pages.

  • Last year I pushed nearly $100,000 in commissions to one of their offers with a network that was brokering their offer simply because I respected the network more. I eventually contacted my AM at Azoogle and gave them the numbers I was pushing to the offer. My am was all excited and wanted me to work directly with them. I told them I would if they could give me a little more per lead than what I was currently getting. My AM wouldn't even match what I was currently getting! Pretty fucking stupid on their part. They also wanted me to push traffic with them for at least a month before they would put me on wires (I'd already pushed offers directly through them the previous year). hurr durr

These were two different situations with two different AM's. Maybe I just got stuck with some poor AM's but these are the reasons I don't fuck with them anymore.

And that's my story bros.

Sometimes I wonder why networks waste their time using and/ or paying well known affiliates for their promotions. Why not simply front and create a (fake) mascot "super affiliate" from scratch so you can control everything he (or better yet, make it a hot female) says and does.

Oh wait, that's where NickyCakes came from.

Just kidding. Please don't ban me =(
Sometimes I wonder why networks waste their time using and/ or paying well known affiliates for their promotions. Why not simply front and create a (fake) mascot "super affiliate" from scratch so you can control everything he (or better yet, make it a hot female) says and does.

Oh wait, that's where NickyCakes came from.

Just kidding. Please don't ban me =(

Yeah except exactly the opposite since I refuse to promote networks I haven't worked with before.
I refuse to work with Azoogle because of their shitty ass AMs. I was making descent money but I never got a reply from my AM or she was never on aim. I asked over 4 Times for a new AM, and never once got a reply.
I assumed Volk made like 10 times that. In revenue of course, cause if you read his blog "about" section you will also think like me.

veneficus, not sure why you've got shitty AM on AZ, they are pretty decent there
I FUCKING HATE AZOOOGGLLEEE... and I know a bunch of you do too!

Top 3 reasons to date
1. Had a few times that offers went down or redirected with no warning email/call
2. When they fuck up tried to comp me for my ad spend not based on CR to date WTF??
3. At least 3 times threatened NOT to pay after days of saying traffic is great (if we don't get paid you don't get paid)

I hope now that rebills are getting hit big networks will start to focus on their affiliates again.