Azoogle Users

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New member
Aug 1, 2006
Hello Everyone this is my first post here. Just found WickedFire and it looks like a great place so far.

I would like to get some input from users that use Azoogle and push pretty decent traffic/commissions. I have only been in the affiliate game for a little less than a year now and only just started using Azoogle about a month and ahalf ago. I've been pushing pretty good numbers, around $300-$400 in commissions a day or rather should be pushing those kind of numbers.

This is where my problem arises. Azoogles reporting really has me worried/suspicious. On average I should be getting 10-14% conversion rate and do on most days at most times however. There are some days when this dips down to 2-4%. Then randomly it picks back up again later that day or the next day.

To really test it out I have been checking my stats every hour for teh past couple of days. Everything has been farily normaly until this morning when at 11am my conversions pretty much just fell flat. I've gotten one when I should be getting 25-30. Same number of clicks, same amount of traffic, same source of traffic yet no conversions.

Has anyone else had this problem? I've heard it mentioned a few times on DigitalPoint but there has been no real resolution. I have the ability to push a ton more traffic but I would really like to sort this out before I do. Azoogle seems convinced that it is just a fluctuation in User behavior but it really doesn't seem that way to me.

- Kyle

i always wonder about that myself.
perhaps it's an emailer pushing high volume, which temporarily bogs down the tracking system. (obviously that shouldn't happen, but ya never know)
I have only had one conversion today as well, I wonder if something is screwed up on their reporting today.. otherwise I've had no problems wit hthem. Its not in their interest to screw your stats, because affiliates will just adjust their spending and send less traffic.
I would say try another cpa company with the same or similar offer to compare...
Payton said:
I would say try another cpa company with the same or similar offer to compare...
I've been liking and getting more conversions with CPA Empire lately.
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