Azoogle Sub-IDs and Google Adwords Question

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New member
May 9, 2007
I an running a campaign right now promoting an offer specific to Canada, with my Adwords campaign targeting only Canada.

I am using direct linking for this particular campaign with a destination URL of this:
[affiliate link]?sub=kw_ta1_{ifContent:C}{ifSearch:S}_{creative}_{placement}_{keyword}
When I go to my SubID reports in Azoogle, I see many clicks with the "kw_ta1_S_123456789__[keyword]" that are with the correct offer, but then I see others that have it for a US Only offer, as if someone not from Canada clicked the ad and was forwarded to an USA ad.

My question is this: why is it doing this, if my campaign is targeted at Canada? Shouldn't only Canadians be viewing my ad, leaving no possibility for a "forward-to-USA-ad" to occur? The only thing I can think of is someone is using a proxy, but if that was the case, why would it occur several times?

Thanks in advance!

Not sure why you are running into those problems regarding that, but if I were you I would be generating my own subid to send to azoogle, and not let them see all your information like keyword, placement and all that.

Basically store those in a database and generate a unique random string and then send azoogle that string as a subid.

Off subject but just a tip.
Yeah, generating a random string is something I want to do in the future ( have any suggestions on where to learn to do that?).

Back to the original question, it seems as if people are being sent to the ad outside of the Canada, hence forwarding to a US ad.
Today, I noticed a very similar thing, except on a higher level.

I have something like this:
Offer | Sub
[US Offer that I'm not promoting] | "kw_ta1_S_123456789__[keyword]"

For some reason it is being forwarded. Why is this? I've rechecked the destination URL many times and still can't figure it out.

The answer is simple.

Azoogleads has their own GeoIP tracking software in order to gain the most amount of sales for you and protect their advertisers requests. (IE, wanting only Canadian traffic)

So they buy a database of IP's that are Geolocated.

This is the best way to geo locate a visitor to your site and I believe is also what Google does.

However because Google is a multi-billion dollar corporation, they can pay to have the MOST accurate IP database, showing your ads only to Canadians. That being said, sometimes Azoogleads system might wrongly associate an IP from Canada as being US and then redirect that visitor to a US only offer. The percentage of this happening is very little but does happen.

Hope that makes sense.
volknet said:
The answer is simple.

AzoogleAds has their own GeoIP tracking software in order to gain the most amount of sales for you and protect their advertisers requests. (IE, wanting only Canadian traffic)

So they buy a database of IP's that are Geolocated.

This is the best way to geo locate a visitor to your site and I believe is also what Google does.

However because Google is a multi-billion dollar corporation, they can pay to have the MOST accurate IP database, showing your ads only to Canadians. That being said, sometimes AzoogleAds system might wrongly associate an IP from Canada as being US and then redirect that visitor to a US only offer. The percentage of this happening is very little but does happen.

Hope that makes sense.
That does make sense. However, it appears to be occuring on a much larger scale than it should. Just as an example for today: I have a campaign specifically for Canada and only Canada, lets call it "A". Today it received 10 clicks. In my Azoogle Sub report, every one of my clicks from "A" shows up as a "US Only" ad, in other words, the 10 clicks I paid for in "A" appears to all be directed toward the wrong ad, as if the people who clicked them weren't in Canada. The targeting on campaign "A" is to Canada only, I have doubled checked that. I have also double checked the destination URL, and it is correct (matches the one Azoogle gave me).

Is there something else I am missing? Thanks for your help so far guys.

Jon, I have been reading your blog for awhile, keep up the good work. Lots of amazing info there.
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