Azoogle/epic iPhone app shows Possible shaving [but really doesn't. im a damned foo]


New member
Nov 7, 2007
If you use the app, and check revenues, leads, clicks, etc.... It matches up with what they show on the website. However if you choose to view stats by offer, lo and behold, higher leads and conversions across the board for every offer, every day. And the % is very consistent, about 25% more. You have to look at yesterday or later to see the disparity.


Do the math.
I know they all shave. First time however I caught one "allegedly doing it". Or I could be just imagining it......can't wait to hear them explain it.
Just threw my jiffy pop on the stove ( I keep it old school) can't wait to see how this plays out
I didn't take my screen caps down, so either WF mod or image host place. If anyone wants them, just PM me. I wanted to make sure i wasn't going nuts, now It's confirmed (well, probably a little nuts too) it's not isolated to me. I would suggest that anyone who can produce this also make a movie (glad i got that flip cam last birthday) of you using the app so nobody can claim faked screen caps.
I found the issue actually. They aren't shaving. Just that when I select the "Show last 7 days" in the Azoogle app, it actually shows me the last 8 days. Awhile when I select "Show last 7 days" in my Azoogle browser login, it correctly shows the last 7 days. So between my app data and my browser data, the app shows one extra day which makes it seem as though Azoogle is shaving.

OP, have you looked into this? Because I was just about to post up images of the discrepancies when I noticed how off the click count was on a campaign, and when I started playing around with the dates, I realized what's happening.
no offense but if they were blatantly shaving like that, you can be damn sure the leads would never show up at all.
Your right, the app is adding the current day to the previous day, so numbers are off. Ok, Azoogle/epic, your off the hook. Glad someone smarter and less conspiracy minded then me figured this out. Gonna need a mod to close thread or say "solved" in the the title.
how many dollars is it?

on a more general note - pretty sure azoogle doesn't want a bad name by shaving your 57 leads.
Jump to conclusions much? And yeah the mods should definitely change the title of this thread, people might skim it and make assumptions that hurt Azoogle's business.