Awesome Gmail Feature


New member
May 25, 2010
San Diego
Not sure how many of you have seen this yet, but this happens to me all the time and I thought it was worth sharing.

I was writing a message in gmail and I wrote in the message "I am attaching" and I went to send the email and I got a popup that said:

"You mentioned in your message the phrase "I am attaching" but you have not attached any files, send anyways?"

I thought that was really cool, so many times have I meant to attach a file and forgot to actually attach it.

Check it out!

I wonder what happens if you typed in "I am scamming Gooogle" or "I am selling the 'As seen on Google' biz opp"
googlebot be spying on your emails

Maybe so, but I never really send anything worth Google spying on through gmail. I figure if they really wanted to spy on me, they wouldn't let me know they are :)

Either way, life is better with Google than without, even if they are all up in your biz!
I was about to send a link to some unusual porn (think armadillos, a tree stump, some plaster and Tom Brokaw), and I got a pop-up that asked me if I was sure I wanted to do that. When I clicked yes, another box popped up and said "Really?!?"

Weird shit.
I was sending a email via gmail one time and put in there "I am sending a sample", and I forgot to send a sample and gmail came back with a message "You forgot the stool sample", I was like WTF??? How did google know I was sending an email to my Proctologist? True Story..
I was sending a email via gmail one time and put in there "I am sending a sample", and I forgot to send a sample and gmail came back with a message "You forgot the stool sample", I was like WTF??? How did google know I was sending an email to my Proctologist?

dood, gmail knows better. NEVER EVER forget your stool sample... or else!