Aweber Expert: Anyone Know Someone Who Freelances?


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Hey Everyone,

As I mentioned in my progress journal, I'm having a hell of a time with Aweber.

My sales sequence is very elegant, but it requires a number of unsubs on purchase that puts the buyer into an ascension model.

Basically list one is reminders that there are free videos to watch.

If prospect in List A watches video one, they go onto List B for the rest of the three videos in the sequence.

If they buy at any point in the free video sequence, they are removed from List B and go to the ascension model.

I hope that explains it.

I've got the writing down. What I need is someone who knows how to set up these autoresponder sequences so that the unsubs and new list subs happen based on prospect actions.

I'm totally fucking lost on how to implement with Aweber and will appreciate any tips, referrals, tutorials - anything that you've got.