avid follower on wickedfire, but....


New member
Sep 4, 2009
i need more info on what this is all about exactly. my buddy hypes it up and gets me so damn intrigued that i just cant help but get involved. but please! someone tell me how someone as assertive as myself can make money through this. perhaps the single most retarded question asked on here (although i have seen some pretty dumb fuckin questions). i am capable of many things so i could probably figure this all out on my own, but ive always been a hands on learner (queue the boobs!) and i would like to think you out there reading this could help me more than i can help myself at this time. so again, please help me get the info i need to get to the point where i can help myself and return the favor.

Post a picture of yourself with a spoon.

Then I'll teach you how to make monies.
There are some good threads for noobs in here. One in the traffic/content forum called "Guide to making your first buck online".

On this board there's a lot of social stuff and guys blowing off steam from their work, but if you use the search function for specific terms you get a big long list of golden threads on that subject.

So I'd start with some noob stickies and then start searching for stuff you want more detail on.

I didn't flame you because your avatar has nice titties.
i need more info on what this is all about exactly. my buddy hypes it up and gets me so damn intrigued that i just cant help but get involved. but please! someone tell me how someone as assertive as myself can make money through this. perhaps the single most retarded question asked on here (although i have seen some pretty dumb fuckin questions). i am capable of many things so i could probably figure this all out on my own, but ive always been a hands on learner (queue the boobs!) and i would like to think you out there reading this could help me more than i can help myself at this time. so again, please help me get the info i need to get to the point where i can help myself and return the favor.

The first thing I might suggest to you is to figure where the shift key is on your keyboard and to use it.
i need more info on what this is all about exactly.
Yeah, you definitely need a clue.

You're no avid follower if you never signed up to read the private forums until recently.

so again, please help me get the info i need to get to the point where i can help myself and return the favor.
If you want it, go get it. No one is going to give anything to you until you have something to offer in return. If you can't master this simple lesson, you will never succeed online. If you're into begging for handouts, then you're better off getting an offline job which is a lot less competitive.

I'd suggest you don't post again until you read a couple hundred threads in the affiliate marketing forum.