Avg Form Conversion Rate by Lead Vertical


New member
Dec 8, 2010
I thought it would be helpful to give people any idea of what kind of CR you are getting for:

- Debt Settlement
- Loan Mod
- Tax Relif
- Bankruptcy
- Plastic Surgery
- Others I'm most definitely leaving out

- 23.23456
- 47.25623
- 34.51232
- -25.3234
- 102.3452
- 9005342.34534
i have a feeling most people aren't going to share their results if they're good.

If you have a 80% conversion on a lucrative market, and you declare it, others are going to join in
i have a feeling most people aren't going to share their results if they're good.

If you have a 80% conversion on a lucrative market, and you declare it, others are going to join in

Right. However, raw form CR without respect to backend (actual) CR and more importantly price point is fairly worthless.

This was really more geared at figuring out creative effectiveness by vertical. Warning - you'd be stupid to enter a niche based solely on these numbers.
depends on way to many variables- short form vs long form, lander, ad source, number of buyers on backend, restrictions eg debt offer that doesn't accept <$10k in debt etc.