average weekly income

It sure isn't median for a lot more than 50 percent of the households. Because some folks make a lot more than 800 per week it messes up the curve.

Hell we've got tradesman here making less than 20 per hour (skilled ones with certifications, etc...)

: Love my job though. I'd hate to work 40 to 60 hours with drive time for 800 bucks.
Let me rephrase as the OP. I said "what a joke" from an entrepreneurs standpoint. I'd much rather take the risk of crashing and burning to build my own business/investments, than make someone else wealthy.
Just because the average affiliate marketer makes in a few hours what the average person makes in a week doesn't make it sad.

Like among other statistics income is a gaussian distribution. There's some people that make a lot more than the average and also some a lot less.

If the average income was $800 a day instead of $800 a week, then everything would just be about 7 times more expensive and there would be little difference in purchasing power.
Just because the average affiliate marketer makes in a few hours what the average person makes in a week doesn't make it sad.

The average affiliate marketer probably makes nowhere near what the average person makes in a week. The average affiliate is an idiot that either pisses their money away and leaves the industry, or makes next to nothing either passively or trying very hard to make money, but failing at it (or a newbie yet to be determined in which category they fall).
The average affiliate marketer probably makes nowhere near what the average person makes in a week. The average affiliate is an idiot that either pisses their money away and leaves the industry, or makes next to nothing either passively or trying very hard to make money, but failing at it (or a newbie yet to be determined in which category they fall).

I guess your definition of an affiliate marketer is different than mine. I don't consider anyone that gives affiliate marketing a try as a affiliate marketer.

I only consider those that earn at least a full time income (enough to support all their expenses as well as their lifestyle) through affiliate marketing to be an affiliate marketer.

It's like just because someone know some basics of accounting, it doesn't make them an accoutant. So why should knowing a few things about affilaite marketing make a person an affiliate marketer.
It's like just because someone know some basics of accounting, it doesn't make them an accoutant. So why should knowing a few things about affilaite marketing make a person an affiliate marketer.

The same reason someone who's a Barber down the street can buy space on a billboard and write some attractive copy with a picture of the perfect haircut, in order to drive traffic to his shop and increase haircuts...

Hes not a marketer, but he is marketing......thus = marketer.
I guess your definition of an affiliate marketer is different than mine. I don't consider anyone that gives affiliate marketing a try as a affiliate marketer.

I only consider those that earn at least a full time income (enough to support all their expenses as well as their lifestyle) through affiliate marketing to be an affiliate marketer.

It's like just because someone know some basics of accounting, it doesn't make them an accoutant. So why should knowing a few things about affilaite marketing make a person an affiliate marketer.
You can't pick and choose your sample group definition like that - An affiliate marketer to me is someone who spends any decent amount of time/effort in affiliate marketing, on multiple campaigns. I know people who struggled for a while before starting to make good money with AM - Were they not an affiliate marketer before they were making something around a salary? Magically when they surpassed an earnings point, they became an affiliate marketer? Was I not an affiliate marketer for the first 2-3 months of my attempts at AM, when I wasn't making much money, put I was putting effort in to figure the game out and find things that worked?

By that kind of choosing, the original survey about what the average American makes per week should only include Americans who work a full-time 40 hour per week job. But if the study only showed that, of course you'd claim it was biased in its sample set.
Yeah those figures are way off. The lower 50% make less than $10USD per hour - maybe 16-18 grand a year. That's the reality in the free world.

Then you have to take aid programs into consideration. It's sickening so many people have to scrape the bottom of the barrel, and serve up 15% of that to people who work as drug dealers on the side - or come into the country to pull scams.

I'm not overtly against immigration, but I know two immigrants in my home town with more than 3 first names, and 2 last names each. I'm a Canadian, but we take and support anyone, and it's just nasty how little people make, while we support anyone who touches down here.

I feel like I'm turning into my old man bitching about immigration, and welfare. It never started to make sense until I got older.