Average CTR and Conversion Rate


New member
Jul 10, 2011
After throwing 150$ into adwords and facebook ads for the first time, and noticing all of the numbers like they may be a bit out of place.

My average CTR and conversion rate averages are both around 1%.

Whats the average CTR and conversion rate that you guys say would call for a successful campaign.


After throwing 150$ into adwords and facebook ads for the first time, and noticing all of the numbers like they may be a bit out of place.

My average CTR and conversion rate averages are both around 1%.

Whats the average CTR and conversion rate that you guys say would call for a successful campaign.



I'm using my free ad credits from GoDaddy and now I want to know if I can call mommy telling her I'm a success.
Adwords is entirely relevant based on your competitors and the word you are bidding on. Obviously the word the word "Chat" will yield a much lower CTR than "local singles chat". Search traffic SHOULD definitely be much higher than your facebook CTR.

Search anywhere between 1%-5% is the norm CTR.
Facebook - just get it above 0.1% :)
im new to this forum. why must there always be links to that fu$%%ing swinging dick? ive read maybe 5 threads on this site and got that thing twice.

I thought this was pretty easy to figure out newbies (me included) come barging into WF and say shit like,

"hey I'm new here to wickedfire can you tell me how to make money on AM I heard it's awesome stuff and would like to have my hand held through the whole process since you have already done the hard work."

So alas you get to the dick spins all day er day, until you realize they have shit stickied out the fucking assholes of this place and then you still get lucky when someone answers your fucking retarded ass questions (which I have posted one in the Education Section With titties if someone would be nice enough to resond to thanks).

So look at it this way if getting flamed and dick spun leads to great answers and help don't bitch like a little baby bitch pussy fuck and just accept it for what it is!

Or you could just stop... just stop.

KFC is hiring and they don't put up with dick spins (sometimes they will in the mash potatoes).

Good Luck