Avatar and District 9 Made Me Sick


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Whats with the new tred of making movies that make me fell like shit when I leave the theater? A few months back I saw District 9 expecting aliens blowing up and all sorts of fun stuff. Instead I found a extremely serious social commentary hidden behind special effects. While watching the movie I was disgusted with my self for even being human. The treatment of the aliens was horrifying and what makes it worse is that is was based on real events where we treated our own race exactly the same.

When I talked to my peers and looked at peoples facebook updates and tweets all I saw were fools who never saw past the special effects. The blood, the gore, the "cool weapons", no one saw the movie for what it was and it drove me nuts.

Now once again I sat in a theater watching history being told once again behind the guise of 3D computer animated movie. As the movie progressed and the story unfolded it got worse and worse. I am sure that realistically the movie would have ended much differently and that any part two would involve orbital nukes. The truth behind the movie is just disgusting.

Once again though all I am seeing is how cool it looks or how great the 3d is. The only thing that people are gaining from avatar is entertainment. I have not seen anyone telling their children that we actually have done this same thing throughout human history to native people. If the events of avatar or district 9 happen for real I would like to think that things might be different, that humanity would have learned from the past and stories like this. But when I seen no one actually getting the point it makes me wonder if it would just happen again.

/* End rant from sitting in Avatar for the last 3hrs */

I get what your saying, i was thinking of this same issue myself after watching avatar, but my thoughts were more along the lines of wow, the things people will do when their is tons of money at stake. I mean is there no limit when money is involved? or can money move a groups limits until they are limitless??? i dunoo, seems everyone will do anything for the right price.

but with that i must say real good 3d, and graphics :)
yes we fucked the Indians hundreds of years ago but they get the only legal casinos in my state and tax free cigs.

Oh and free health care, and houses, and free university, and cash

Dammit....my peoples were fucked as well hundreds of years ago....wheres my free shit!!!!!
yes we fucked the Indians hundreds of years ago but they get the only legal casinos in my state and tax free cigs.

Oh and free health care, and houses, and free university, and cash

Dammit....my peoples were fucked as well hundreds of years ago....wheres my free shit!!!!!

Having been to several indian reservations I can assure you that they are not all living in free mansions and driving bmws. Most of them live in small cheaply built homes or in trailers on plots of land that is nothing but dirt since nothing will grow there since thats the land we gave them.

They get to go to underfunded public schools on the reservation and if they are luck enough to get into college they get to go to a state school id guess.

But lets keep this argument back on how people are perceiving the movie. I was not trying to point out how we raped native people or slaves in the past. I am trying to point out despite these movies being about these subjects no one is getting the point.
I tend to turn off my brain as much as possible when watching movies and remind myself that they are just a visual and auditory form of art. Art imitates life.

Yeah, it took a whopping two seconds to figure out that Avatar was based on the old west, but I still enjoyed the movie.
Having been to several indian reservations I can assure you that they are not all living in free mansions and driving bmws. Most of them live in small cheaply built homes or in trailers on plots of land that is nothing but dirt since nothing will grow there since thats the land we gave them.

Then they are to blame for wasting their own resources. Give me their land, casinos and tax-free status and watch what I do with it.

Next thing you're going to say is that I owe black people money for reparations of slavery.

And, I agree with you on D9. Made me feel a bit strange.
‘Avatar’: Film Art as Cultural Suicide

by Noel Anenberg
Let me see if I’ve got this straight.​
Under the aegis of Rupert Murdoch’s Twentieth Century-Fox, a zillion dollar corporation with over a billion in annual box office, James Cameron makes a movie, Avatar, about an average, avaricious, American corporation backed-up by a Marine garrison which is out to exploit or destroy a forest full of “fly-bittin’ savages” who listen to voices from trees for precious “Unobtanium!”
Reality check: if you wish to assay the true value of “Unobtanium,” try getting a return call from James Cameron or a movie deal with 20th Century Fox!
Gee whiz! I grew up believing that Earth would be taken over by a Blob, or an “Invasion of Bodysnatchers,” or a “Brother from Another Planet!” Now, according to Cameron we, you and I, are the space menace! We’re the Romulans! Since when did the United States of America become a member of the Sci-Fi Axis of Evil? Where are Captian Kirk, Spock, and Bones?
Can anyone explain why Cameron and the Hollywood Industrial Complex is hell bent on characterizing our great nation as the embodiment of evil? Could it be that ticket sales overseas in general and in Muslim-tottering regions of the world grow in direct proportion to the level of self-flagellating anti-Americanism in American films?
Heinrich look!
What is it, Brunhilda?
Again zoze krazy Amerikaners are making fools of zemselves!
As a matter of fact, if I were a radical Iman with a Mosque in London, Paris, Hampsterdam, or any of the other capitals of the future Eurabia where political correctness trumps national security, I would screen “Avatar” in my Mosque’s main sanctuary every night with matinees daily during Ramadan.
“You see my little Fakhir? This ‘Avatar’ movie provides proof positive that the godless American Infidels have depleted their lands and are now secretly having their way with the gentle people of Pandora just as they have been raping our sacred lands for centuries! That is why we jihad! Do you understand?”
“Yes, Inmam.”
“When Allah, praise be he, reigns supreme, when a Fundamentalist Islamic Republic controls all the world’s natural resources, corporations, governments, and peoples only then will the tribes of Pandora and the tribes of desert be out of the Infidel’s reach.
“But Imam, I think ‘Avatar’ is but a fairytale. Didn’t the Americans liberate Iraq? Enfranchise tens of millions of Muslims with the right to vote? And aren’t they about to do something about that madman running Iran?”
“Do not speak such blasphemy again, Fakhir or by shariah I shall be obligated to gouge out your eyes and slice out your tongue!”
It doesn’t have to be this way! If this writer had a $500M budget to make a movie about Omaticayians flying Banchees to protect their Hometree and the Unobtanian beneath it this might be the log line:
Avatar: US Marines liberate the Na’vi from an oppressive Muslim regime as a American business leader helps them to mine Unobtanium so that they may defend their forest nation, feed their Mountain Banshees and nourish their Tree of Souls.
Why is Cameron’s film, Avatar,an act of cultural suicide?
We humanoids, at least the vast majority of us, possess a region deep in the brain called the Limbic System. There, our feelings, thoughts, and actions are in large part processed instantaneously. When you pick up the handle of a hot frying pan, drop the pan, and swear, the combined reflexive response is a product of the Limbic System. The overwhelming majority of Hollywood auteures have lost touch with their Limbic Systems and may therefore be referred to as “Limbeciles.”
Limbeciles are unable to discern that walking off a cliff, shooting yourself in the head, or spending an hour listening to Bill Maher will probably result in death or severe brain damage. That’s why they make films which due damage to the free society and economy which pay them to do so. Is there really a difference between say drilling for oil in Iraq and selling Paul Blart: Mall Cop to unwitting audiences in Kampala, Sanan’a and Dhaka?
Question: What do you call people who benefit greatly with little or no sacrifice, are hateful of the very place and people which have showered them with almost absolute freedom of expression, adoration, and riches, and refuse to accept responsibility for their art and actions?
Answer: Adolescents!
Grow up Hollywood!
Is there a solution? Of course:
A) Americans who love their country could stop buying tickets to movies that defame it.
B) Hollywood Limbiciles could suffer a crisis of consciousness and begin making movies that cast less of a dark shadow on their blessed nation.
C) Or we could scotch tape an I’M STUPID – KICK ME HERE sign with an arrow pointing south onto Lady Liberty’s derriere.
Until that time perhaps we should watch reruns of Buster Crabbe playing Flash Gordon in “The Purple Death From Outer Space.”
yes we fucked the Indians hundreds of years ago but they get the only legal casinos in my state and tax free cigs.

Oh and free health care, and houses, and free university, and cash

Dammit....my peoples were fucked as well hundreds of years ago....wheres my free shit!!!!!

you got free shit.. its called America.
In 1988, Congress passed the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act which recognized the right of Indian tribes in the United States to establish gambling and gaming facilities on their reservations as long as the states in which they are located have some form of legalized gambling. Two cases in the 1980's led up to this act: Seminole Tribe of Florida v. Butterworth and California v. Cabazon Band of Mission Indians.

Just so you guys don't assume they have had these grand casinos the entire time.

Also I am not sure I agree with the movie being cultural suicide. While it dose make sense now we all know the story is nothing new. It wasn't just written to give terrorists more reasons to blow us up. Though as the writer said it may have that effect now.

How about this...
Prawns = Black People
Na'vi = Indians
Watch the episode of Bullshit about reparations - it goes into why the Indian casinos don't work because all of the proceeds go to a very small minority of powerful indians.

I've had friends kicked out of their tribes just so that there would be less people to have to share the money with.

It's all a bullshit political game, and the tribe leaders are just as corrupt as union bosses.
Whitey fantasy trilogy-> Avatar - The Last Samurai - Blood Diamond (or blood sport)

whenever you are in a different culture, you will automatically become the best fighter
Let me see if I’ve got this straight.​
Under the aegis of Rupert Murdoch’s Twentieth Century-Fox, a zillion dollar corporation with over a billion in annual box office, James Cameron makes a movie, Avatar, about an average, avaricious, American corporation backed-up by a Marine garrison which is out to exploit or destroy a forest full of “fly-bittin’ savages” who listen to voices from trees for precious “Unobtanium!”

Seems funny that Fox would produce a film like this huh? Instead of it being about "US Marines liberating the Na’vi from an oppressive Muslim regime as a American business leader helps them to mine Unobtanium so that they may defend their forest nation, feed their Mountain Banshees and nourish their Tree of Souls." Wonder if foxnews will be bashing Avatar, like they would if it was produced by anyone other than Fox itself.

Rupert Murdoch cares about 1 thing: MONEY.

He runs a news network that pushes conservative pro-america viewpoints catering to partisan dipshits that corners the right-wing media market, then runs a film company that sells an anti-corporatism/america theme through an illustrated work of art.

This man IS the antagonist in Avatar. He's the seventh most powerful person in the world according to Forbes, a hyper-evolved corporate mutant out to rape and control everything he can get his old paper thin skin on.
This man IS the antagonist in Avatar. He's the seventh most powerful person in the world according to Forbes, a hyper-evolved corporate mutant out to rape and control everything he can get his old paper thin skin on.

Why do you libs always try to equate the corporate success of Murdoch with FOX news being an evil right wing conspiracy?
It doesn't invalidate the correctness of conservatism (rather the contrary in my opinion).

It's like you're grasping at straws to disprove conservatism.
I'm not on the red team or the blue team, I'm trying to make the point that the chairman/ceo of News Corp which owns Foxnews and 20th century fox will sell whatever sells; whether it's a liberal or conservative message.
Avatar = a jazzed up, twice as long adaptation of Pocahontas.

Worth seeing for the effects however.
the human race is pretty violent and self interested. It sucks that most of em are so numb to the suffering of their own people. Prolly one of the reasons why we won't be around for much longer.