Autoresponder/Custom Confirmation Page

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Aug 12, 2008
Great Britain
Sorry, couldn't think of a better thread title.

Here's what I need to do:

I'm going to have lots of different product pages and a mailing list sign up on each one, when the user signs to one of the mailing lists and then confirms their subscription I either need to send them an auto responder with the product link for the product page they were on OR (even better) when they confirm their subscription it takes them to a confirmation page which redirects to the product URL.

But the problem is, even know they are given different links depending on which mailing list they use, I want them all to subscribe to the same core mailing list, IE I can mail to them all at once.

Any solutions? Any help would be appreciated, I haven't done anything with mailing lists before.

If you're using aweber they allow you to subscribe a person to more than one list at a time. Or just email multiple lists at the same time.

If you aren't using it I recommend it. Its cheap and reliable even if youre doing small volume like me :)

PS. This should probably be in the mail section

i agree that you should use aweber to do your mailing. It's a bitch to deliver to all of the isp's consistently and their service will have no trouble with deliverability.

If you'd like me to help you set the programming up for this, i'd be happy to for free. Just IM me.

Aweber is the way to go. I have multiple lists and have subscribers on multiple lists. You can also set up Aweber to move subscribers to different lists based on actions.
ie. prospective customers become buyers therefore changing to the buyers message list
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