OK I struggled long and hard with this one. I love this forum but I need to invest funds in a bigger project so someone's gonna get a GREAT forum here.
URL: www.PreludeZone.com
Domain Prelude-Tech.com comes with it.
This forum is for honda prelude owners and enthusiasts. It's a car that A LOT of people have and maintain and is still popular in the tuner community.
Traffic averages 500 uniques per day. I only advertised this site for a few days at the beginnign of July. Screenshot provided. This site is already on page 2 in Google for Honda Prelude Forums.
Unlike most people trying to dump off dead forums I have also attached the live registration stats screenshot. This site rarely gets less than 5 new members a day with minimal promotion. I ran an adwords CPM campaign at the beginning of this month where I targetted my competitors sites running adsense with a clean and simple banner. You can see those days I gained 10 to 17 new members.
Site is of course running vbulletin. It's on a leased license so I can't transfer it but if the site sells for BIN I will buy you an owned license or you can subtract the cost from the BIN price. It's also running Geek Article & Review System PRO. I paid for the license. and it makes awesome Tutorials, Articles, and even supports Product Reviews with ratings.
This is the cool part. Automotive sites make $$$! Revenue has been up and down due to my moving banner ads around but averages $3 to $5 a day even when some days it drops below 400 uniques. I've attached screenshot proof as well. Everyone that I know that owns automotive forums says I can make more with adsense but I just prefer YPN so it's up to you to switch or stay the same. I think I might be losing clicks to non US. We get Aussies and Canadians on there quite a bit
The site already has a couple of great, recently posted product reviews, and how-tos.
I have used absolutely NO PAID POSTING for this forum. All of the members are real and there because they want to be.
I ran a few contests to boost post activity. Gave away 1 ipod mini ($90) and 2 t-shirts ($8.90 each). All of those prizes have been paid for and shipped so you do not have to pay for them.
I offer 1 FREE white T-shirt to any member that hits 1500 posts. So far only 1 has done it and only 1 other is even close. I recommend you continue that. The shirts are through spreadshirt.com and heck they're only $8.90 each. But it's your call. I don't think it would cause a major revolt if you stopped that offer. You simply order them online (I'll give you the spreadshirt account) logos are already made and fitted to the shirt, just put in their address and you're done.
OK I think that covers it.
Bidding starts at $1000
BIN is $2500 and you can own a future big-boards.com forum today!
I'm on MSN
Phone (618) 589-1331 [voicemail]
email: georgemedia -the at- gmail.com
URL: www.PreludeZone.com
Domain Prelude-Tech.com comes with it.
This forum is for honda prelude owners and enthusiasts. It's a car that A LOT of people have and maintain and is still popular in the tuner community.
Traffic averages 500 uniques per day. I only advertised this site for a few days at the beginnign of July. Screenshot provided. This site is already on page 2 in Google for Honda Prelude Forums.
Unlike most people trying to dump off dead forums I have also attached the live registration stats screenshot. This site rarely gets less than 5 new members a day with minimal promotion. I ran an adwords CPM campaign at the beginning of this month where I targetted my competitors sites running adsense with a clean and simple banner. You can see those days I gained 10 to 17 new members.
Site is of course running vbulletin. It's on a leased license so I can't transfer it but if the site sells for BIN I will buy you an owned license or you can subtract the cost from the BIN price. It's also running Geek Article & Review System PRO. I paid for the license. and it makes awesome Tutorials, Articles, and even supports Product Reviews with ratings.
This is the cool part. Automotive sites make $$$! Revenue has been up and down due to my moving banner ads around but averages $3 to $5 a day even when some days it drops below 400 uniques. I've attached screenshot proof as well. Everyone that I know that owns automotive forums says I can make more with adsense but I just prefer YPN so it's up to you to switch or stay the same. I think I might be losing clicks to non US. We get Aussies and Canadians on there quite a bit
The site already has a couple of great, recently posted product reviews, and how-tos.
I have used absolutely NO PAID POSTING for this forum. All of the members are real and there because they want to be.
I ran a few contests to boost post activity. Gave away 1 ipod mini ($90) and 2 t-shirts ($8.90 each). All of those prizes have been paid for and shipped so you do not have to pay for them.
I offer 1 FREE white T-shirt to any member that hits 1500 posts. So far only 1 has done it and only 1 other is even close. I recommend you continue that. The shirts are through spreadshirt.com and heck they're only $8.90 each. But it's your call. I don't think it would cause a major revolt if you stopped that offer. You simply order them online (I'll give you the spreadshirt account) logos are already made and fitted to the shirt, just put in their address and you're done.
OK I think that covers it.
Bidding starts at $1000
BIN is $2500 and you can own a future big-boards.com forum today!
I'm on MSN
Phone (618) 589-1331 [voicemail]
email: georgemedia -the at- gmail.com