Automating The Uploading Of Images Based On Time Of Day


Senior Jerk Off
Jul 12, 2011
Hey Wicked Fire members!

I have a question for any programmers out there who might know something about automating this simple task...

I would like to automate the uploading of a new header image on my website depending on the time of day. During business hours I would like a header image with my phone number to be displayed, and when it's not normal business hours I want users to fill out my contact form so I would like to display a header image without the phone number.

My website is on Joomla, so if there was a plugin that I'm not aware of that would work for me. Or if there is another way to do this I'm interested in hearing any thoughts on how I could do this.

Thanks in advance for any help in this matter!

yeah like I said it's on that won't work for me but thanks.
What mattseh said. It's not difficult, assuming you are using Linux. Google for "crontab" and "linux mv command". Done!
thanks guys! appreciate the information, going to forward this to my programming "geeks" :)