Automating Social Bookmarking


Movin to TX
Jan 3, 2009
Proudly Incorporated in WY
Social Bookmarking is an integral part of my SEO strategy... I like to get 20-60 quality bookmarks on basically every piece of content I write. I also drop 100-150 Autopliggs on everything too for shitty links.

But it's costly if using Red_Virus or Lalit_Burma or even VAs, and programs like BookmarkWiz just flat out suck.

Has anyone found any better methods for automating social bookmarking?

If not, how much would you be willing to pay for a watir/imacros/whatever framework and a set of scripts that could be used to create accounts (with proxy and captcha support) on X sites, save the user data, and then post a new bookmark using those accounts?

I'd like separate scripts for each site (like and would be different script files to call) so they're easier to fix when changes are made, and you could continually add new ones to the list that the 'framework' could call.

I wrote up a nice set of requirements for what I'd like (i can PM them to you), but have received no bites at $250.

Am I completely missing something here, or will I just need to pay more or bite the bullet and keep paying to outsource?

If anyone else has this need, maybe we could pool money together.

I could even see a cool "Drip Feed Social Bookmarks" service created out of all of this on a powerful server with lotsa proxies... but don't want to get into that business. I just want easy and cheaper bookmarks.

I'm thinking about sitting down one night and just doing a lot of sites on the fly with Ubot. Too lazy thus far; have been concentrating on forum spammers/comment spammers more because that interests me more =/
as I've been building out other bots in watir/celerity, I've been very tempted to expand on social bookmarking bots with a web based service, a sort of self serve bookmarking system. It would be all Class based, so you can just load a class, call reddit.createAccount, reddit.login, reddit.postBookmark, etc.

It's a hell of a lot of work though, and the reward is low compared to other link building methods. Not saying it isn't possible, just something to think carefully about before diving in.
SYNND might be what you're after.

It's basically an automated social bookmark exchange. There's some other features too, but I haven't really tested them. Basically, you enter in accounts that can be used for automatic usage. The software will automatically bookmark content to these accounts which earn you credits. You can then setup your own bookmarking campaigns which use the credits you earned.

It showed a lot of promise, but I've been using it for about a month and I'll probably cancel it soon. Too many downsides to it for me to continue paying $97/month. Here are some of those downsides.

It uses what is called the "Remote Automator". It's a small app that runs in the background. Basically, this app has to be on and connected for you to earn credits.

The cost is $97/month for the cheapest level and you are capped at the # of automatic credits you can earn each month. I think it is 1500/month. You can earn more credits by performing manual tasks, but they appear to have capped how many manual tasks you can do per day. Even if you upload 100 accounts into the system you are still capped at 1500.

The software is buggy as hell. It won't add accounts correctly, or the remote automator won't let you login for like 2 days, so you don't earn credits.

And no reports. You can't grab any of the URLs where your content was bookmarked. Retarded.

Supposedly some of these things are going to change in the near future, but I don't think I want to stick around paying $97/month to find out.

Even with all the negatives I said about it, you may want to take a look at it and see if it is something you could use for the time being.
I've been reading a lot lately about SB. First I tried to find a good piece of software that would allow me to send my articles to a lot of SB sites with minimum effort. I found that Magic Submitter / Bookmarking Demon are the preferred tools by many persons. I've tried Magic Submitter and it's a little complicated for me, maybe if they changed the UI and made it more straightforward I'd be willing to learn how to use the software and make it a good part of my SEO tools.

I've never used Bookmarking Demon but I've read good reviews. In the long run maybe you'll be saving some bucks but you'll be paying a lot in time. By now, for me it's better to outsource everything and let the guys to do what they know
as I've been building out other bots in watir/celerity, I've been very tempted to expand on social bookmarking bots with a web based service, a sort of self serve bookmarking system. It would be all Class based, so you can just load a class, call reddit.createAccount, reddit.login, reddit.postBookmark, etc.

It's a hell of a lot of work though, and the reward is low compared to other link building methods. Not saying it isn't possible, just something to think carefully about before diving in.

Well I'll e-mail you my requirements to see what you think about having someone write this up for us.

With DFB, ScrapeBox, countless article submitters, Alexa-Style link submitters, I already can get tons of easy links. This is my next endeavor, as well as automating AutoPligg more.

After that, automating Linkwheels... which I think you already have done. I am just happy to pay $50 to outsource each one (I only build one or two to each site. Maybe I need to get more aggressive).

The combination of all of these in my small niches = win. Not sure what other linkbuilding methods I'd really need. Occasional directory submission to a domain, but that's pretty cheap.

As for everyone else... good responses. Lots of this seems overly complicated for the task at hand, which is I guess why nobody's done it right.
Hey Berto,

You can consider using SocialBacklinker Pro (SocialBacklinker | Mass social backlinking on full autopilot). If i'm not mistaken, it's a Wordpress plugin that allows you to randomize the posting of blog urls to the individual social bookmarking sites. All you have to do is create plenty of accounts with those sites and choose how you wish to drip feed those links. I have been thinking of getting it for a while, but my sites are drupal-based and this plugin is only for wordpress sites. I have spoke to the owner about this and he said a hosting version might come out later this year. Hope this helps.
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I too have been looking for same thing.... Appreciate if someone would PM there outsource guys... I cant find any decent ones..
I bought BookmarkingDemon a few days ago just for this, but its been a bitch getting used to.
You have to create your own emails and then enable POP.
Gotta sign up for Decaptcher - if you want to automate it.
Gotta find more than the 101 sites included because 50% usually fail.

I guess its better than doing it manually.

If anyone comes up with a better solution, I'm definitely down.
This type of software is very high maintenance. The sites are constantly changing something about the signup/posting process that breaks the script code for that site. And every site is unique.

Which is why most software like this is a monthly charge and at any time at least 20% of the sites are not functional withing the software. I consider and 80% success rate with this type of script to be very good.

Which means, whatever tool you use needs to have a macro record funtion to give you a rough version of the script which you then clean up and parameterize.

Selenium IDE does this and I think watir (mentioned above) also does this. Both are open source but you need to do some programming.

There are some end user products in this area that are a one time payment. Maybe the can do this because they are growing the user base, which finances the maintenance work. But I would take a hard look at software that is one time payment before I dove in. It would be annoying to find it non-functional 6 months down the road.
Yeah, when you have a bunch of sites with common platform that make things a lot easier, especially from the maintenance side.

I was thinking exclusively about the top tier sites that have their own one-off systems in place. So, with that in mind I guess automation is a lot more feasible for the tons of phpdug, pligg, scuttle sites.

Damn. I 've got coding to do.
Bookmarking demon works the best that I've found to automate it. You need to scrape a good set of sites for it though, weed through the ones that fail and keep the ones that are successful. I have a list of around 400ish at the moment. I just bought scrapebox though (long overdue) so I will be expanding that list soon. It is compatible with like 3 or 4 different platforms.

If you want a trick for the email part, take one gmail account (since it can use those). Take one of your domain names you aren't using for email accounts, create a catch all box for it and have it auto forward to the gmail account. Then you can randomly do fake emails or etc - a copy of each verificationn email will show up in your gmail box no matter which email you sign up with, which you can then process like normal.

For me, that speeds things up quite a bit. For the account creation process, I use decaptcher since almost every freakin site wants a captcha at sign up. Then I do the captchas manually for the bookmarking runs, keeps me busy and keeps costs down.

BMD also has a pinger too, so after you do a run you can ping all the profiles to speed up indexing.

I still do some honest manual link building on some of the top sites, since they have good automation combat tools and I still want links from them. But that is only like 10 sites. :cool:
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