Automating Pinterest Accounts


Expert Gambling Writer
Oct 30, 2010
After reading this thread, I've started using iMacros to put together an automated Pinterest setup I've affectionately named "Bitch Magnet 5000" with the goal of building Pinterest accounts with lots of followers. I'm looking for comments, suggestions and ideas since I don't have much experience with automation at all.

This is what I have done so far:

1. I have a database table that keeps up with scraped Pinterest users. I scrape from major accounts surrounding the niche the account is targeting. I have columns for the url to that person, whether or not I have followed them, the date that I followed them, and whether or not I have unfollowed them (among other things). My idea here is to follow them one day and then unfollow them several days later using those dates as a reference. Everything is set up so I never follow the same person twice so I don't get labeled as a spammer.

2. BM5k will go through the database each day and pick people who I haven't followed yet. He'll go to their boards and repin something before following them. My idea here is that this will populate my boards while simultaneously increasing the chances that I get a follow back.

3. You know those dumbass images that are just a quote on some dark background with the site URL at the bottom? I threw together a PHP script to generate those, and BM5k will call the PHP script with the quote to be used in the image (scraped from other sources), get the URL for the image that it produced and pin that on Pinterest using the quote itself as the description. I could follow a similar pattern to add more new pins in the future.

From here, I don't know what else I could/should need it to do before I expand it to work with multiple accounts, proxies, etc. Any ideas?

The problem lies in finding REAL people to follow on pinterest.
I took a look through the accounts that I have scraped so far, and while I hadn't really thought about it, this is definitely something I'm going to need to consider.

I'm considering flagging people in my database as being non-human so that I don't interact with them at all after they're added. The only thing I need now is to figure out what criteria I'm going to use to make that distinction.

If they don't have more than like 50 re-pins, then I think that automatically excludes them from being human right off the bat.

Aside from that, if they're following a lot of people relative to the number of likes and re-pins they have, I think that would signify a non-human as well. For example, I'm looking at several accounts right now that are following about 220 people and have 3 re-pins.

I guess it's time to add some more columns to my database so that I can filter for these things. >_>
Any news on this?

It definitely sounds interesting
Just saw this reply. I shelved the original idea for a while since I wasn't doing anything with it. I was getting a follow back rate of about 15-20 percent which is higher than Twitter by following the victim and re-pinning their most recent pin.

I picked up a few thousand followers just letting stuff run on auto-pilot only needing to restart it after power outages before deciding to just stop since I wasn't doing anything with those followers and didn't really have the time or inclination to figure out what to do about it.

Recently, I've started up trying at this again with the added change of throwing a URL in the beginning of all of the descriptions of things I re-pin to see if that helps to drive traffic at a better rate since it's just a click away. I'm just going to point them to a sign-up for a crafts/fashion/moms/gossip/general you go girl shit mailing for now and see how it goes.
Update for phrench: My account on my new try got shit-canned inside of less than a week because I was super obvious and overly aggressive with it. I learned a bit about it, but I'm shelving it for the time being.