Automating page creation, directory type software


WTF Sleepy Joe... Wake Up
Jul 5, 2011
Kelowna, BC
Does anyone know of a software/service for auto-generating pages on a site based on a database of places or keywords.

What I am after is say to have a city name database and have the script generate a page of content for each name or entry. I basically have a template that changes for each entry in the database. The content for each page also needs to be randomized, keywords phrase injected in the content.

We had a great guy at BosDev but he has retired and I cant find a good replacement. I realize you can sell in this section but if someone on here offers a solution they can pm me about it.

That actually is rather easy and any compete programmer with db experience of over 1 month should be able to knock it out. You've already got the places/regions and the content, it's just a matter of mashing.

I would recommend Bofu2u, but that's guy's attempting to take control over the whole internet, so I don't know if he has a little time, or maybe he can point you in the best direction. Him and dchuk should have a good knowledge of programmers that can handle this.

I'm new on the programming scene here at WF, so I wouldn't be able to tell you who knows their shit and who's full of shit. What I can tell you is what you are attempting to do can be completed in 15 mins to 3 hours, (depending on environmental factors and programmers skill set). If you get crazy time estimates above that, they are full of shit, or you didn't completely explain in this thread or to the programmer what you wanted. I recall BlueHatSEO has a post about doing the exact same thing, called it Madlib or something. Point the programmer to that post, and they should have a clear understanding.

I hope this was some help.
That actually is rather easy and any compete programmer with db experience of over 1 month should be able to knock it out. You've already got the places/regions and the content, it's just a matter of mashing.

I would recommend Bofu2u, but that's guy's attempting to take control over the whole internet, so I don't know if he has a little time, or maybe he can point you in the best direction. Him and dchuk should have a good knowledge of programmers that can handle this.

I'm new on the programming scene here at WF, so I wouldn't be able to tell you who knows their shit and who's full of shit. What I can tell you is what you are attempting to do can be completed in 15 mins to 3 hours, (depending on environmental factors and programmers skill set). If you get crazy time estimates above that, they are full of shit, or you didn't completely explain in this thread or to the programmer what you wanted. I recall BlueHatSEO has a post about doing the exact same thing, called it Madlib or something. Point the programmer to that post, and they should have a clear understanding.

I hope this was some help.

Not to come across as a ballbreaker, but Blue Hat SEO hasn't posted any original material in over two years.

I'd like to know if it's your honest opinion that a person can follow his techniques from start to finish these days and still get results.

I am new here, and very much impressed with the facts you have posted in many threads, but also have had Blue Hat SEO in my feed reader for 3 or 4 years at this point and it never glows with new material.

By constantly referencing it you make it sound like the advice found there is current and accurate. Do you feel like this is true? Can somebody new here look to that site for advice that will help them rank in the modern search landscape?
Not to come across as a ballbreaker, but Blue Hat SEO hasn't posted any original material in over two years.

I'd like to know if it's your honest opinion that a person can follow his techniques from start to finish these days and still get results.

I am new here, and very much impressed with the facts you have posted in many threads, but also have had Blue Hat SEO in my feed reader for 3 or 4 years at this point and it never glows with new material.

By constantly referencing it you make it sound like the advice found there is current and accurate. Do you feel like this is true? Can somebody new here look to that site for advice that will help them rank in the modern search landscape?

I'm honored you have given me 66% of your total posts' attention. "If we don't learn from the past, aren't we doomed to repeat it?" I've never stated the utilizing BlueHatSEO verbatim would work in today's environment. It may work to get you Bing traffic. The purpose of my tell people to read BlueHatSEO, is to understand the psychology of his methods, and then put a new creative spin on it. "In BlueHatSEO, Eli did this technique, I'm putting X spin on it for a modern day environment, you need to put your own spin on it."

Otherwise people may attempt techniques already done, without their knowledge of the past results. You have to get creative and use your brain. Take it to the next level. "Nothing is original, everything is a remix". You think Google was the first search engine? No. They just took an old idea and perfected it. You think Microsoft was the first GUI interface? No, they just took Apple's shit and got it to market a year earlier. You think Facebook was the first social media network? No.

Put on your thinking cap. BlueHatSEO is a point of reference in an environment where the only creative point of references would be SEOMoz.

TED talk about Remixes: Kirby Ferguson: Embrace the remix | Video on

Everything is a Remix: Watch | Everything Is a Remix

Feel free to add your input. I welcome live discussions. (Also, you don't have to double posts in the future, just post, and if you want me to comment PM me).

Carry on...
BlueHatSEO is how I found this forum. I'm not an expert, so I can't speak to how effective the methods are today, but obviously Eli is a fucking smart dude. When some people share info, you shut up and listen, no matter how basic the material might be. In my experience, mastering fundamentals is always more beneficial than worrying about advanced shit before you're ready.
Does anyone know of a software/service for auto-generating pages on a site based on a database of places or keywords

I have been doing this for a while now on product feed sites, which can be considered "thin", as a way of bulking out the 1500 odd auto generated product pages.

I built a script that splits up product titles, then matches each word against another DB table (which contains keywords with paragraphs) and if it finds an keyword, pulls out the paragraph and dumps it onto the product page. Writing more than one paragraph per keyword kind of randomises it. This was all done within CMS Made Simple using their user defined tags feature
In fact, here's the mini script

$titleWords = trim($row['ProductName']); // grab the product title, removing any white space at the beginning or end
$withCounts = explode( ' ', $titleWords ); // creates an array of keywords from product title (splits the product title on spaces)
$withCounts[] = $row['Category1']; // Add product main categry for fun
$withCounts[] = $row['Category2']; // Add product sub categry for even more fun
shuffle($withCounts); // randomize it all

//print_r($withCounts); for testing

// loop through the array of keywords, create a mysql query for each keyword, return any results, rinse and repeat
foreach ($withCounts as $value) {

// create the random query, LIMIT makes sure if you have more than one paragraph per keyword, it uses just one rather than both (or more)
$query3 = "SELECT * FROM `keywordContent` WHERE `keyword` = '$value' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1";

// Below is the way CMSMS connects to the DB and runs queries, you can always replace this with the usual mysqlconnect stuff
$rs3 = $db->Execute($query3);

// Loop through the returned paragraphs (if there are any) of keywords/text and display
while($row3 = $rs3->FetchRow())

<h3 style="clear: both;"><?php echo $row3['title']; ?></h3>
<p><?php echo $row3['content']; ?></p>

} // END while

} // END foreach

you know back from the dead (and i never missed u fucks believe it or not) just to say this... it will never amaze me how much faith people put into even just the most 'common sense' ideas that occur when you've been doing any type of internet (especially internet marketing) work for long enough and treat them like gold thinking because they're still around... thats what they're still doing.

shit changes with every google update... sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. with your whole idea of auto-gen content... make sure its either so locked down and professional that it could be never seen as even slightly affiliate based. that or use your head and get fucking CREATIVE as far as what type of random reasearch can u scrape or more importantly gleem from a public DB that when presented in a visually attractive manner relate something to that particular page.. and btw i'm not talking about housing costs.. i swear that must be the same guy doing all the templates...
WordAI + a VA would good you a far better website and results. All you need to Automate would be the VA, or to use the WordAI API..

What you are asking for is so...... pre-wordai.. :D
That actually is rather easy and any compete programmer with db experience of over 1 month should be able to knock it out. You've already got the places/regions and the content, it's just a matter of mashing.

I would recommend Bofu2u, but that's guy's attempting to take control over the whole internet, so I don't know if he has a little time, or maybe he can point you in the best direction. Him and dchuk should have a good knowledge of programmers that can handle this.

I'm new on the programming scene here at WF, so I wouldn't be able to tell you who knows their shit and who's full of shit. What I can tell you is what you are attempting to do can be completed in 15 mins to 3 hours, (depending on environmental factors and programmers skill set). If you get crazy time estimates above that, they are full of shit, or you didn't completely explain in this thread or to the programmer what you wanted. I recall BlueHatSEO has a post about doing the exact same thing, called it Madlib or something. Point the programmer to that post, and they should have a clear understanding.

I hope this was some help.

I need your video tutorial about your software in order to see its function