Automating Custom Field

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...a lot to learn
Mar 16, 2008
Hi, I'm wondering if there's a way to automate a 'custom field' to add to every post.

I'm using the Revolution Pro Business theme which has a built in custom field 'homepage' - which I link to an image on my server, then each new post I assign it to shows a thumbnail on the homepage.

The problem is this is an autoblog. I am using the WP-O-Matic plugin and because of this I cannot find a way to add the customfield 'homepage' thumbnail to each new post. Therefore leaving my homepage without thumbnails, which looks pretty rubbish.

Can anyone advise me of some php or a plugin that will solve this problem so that I can automatically set the chosen custom field to post to every single post or page published.

I've attempted to configure the 'Custom Field Template' plugin to do this but so far I haven't been able to get it to work.

This is annoying me now so I'd really appreciate your advice...

Just edit the theme. Instead of looking for the custom field image, hard code the image that you have on your server directly in the theme.
OK, that makes sense but I don't know how to code. I'll just have to pay someone to do this for me I think.
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