Automating Content to Various Wordpress Sites


Senior Learner
Jul 11, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
I have about 50 wordpress blog sites that I outsource content for and try to post an article every couple of day to each of these sites. I currently use ManageWP and am trying out WPMothership to help manage these blog sites.

I am looking for a way to centrally take outsourced content and distribute them out to the blog sites I want. I have found the tools I mentioned above lack the ability to take content, whether I have it saved in a csv file or word doc, and push them out to a specific site automatically. For example, in ManageWP you can post from a centralized location but you have manually select the site by checking a box what site you want the document to post on. It would be great to be able to upload a csv and specify in a column field what domain it will post to....

Any help would be appreciated!


With ZennoPoster or other automation software you can set this process on autopilot
you can post from email.

So get each site's email and then submit from your inbox?
you can post from email.

So get each site's email and then submit from your inbox?

Agreed. I use an automation script and configure an email account for each WP blog. Its much higher quality when the articles are unique.
Agreed. I use an automation script and configure an email account for each WP blog. Its much higher quality when the articles are unique.

I was thinking about this today, could you use just one email address for many sites?
the replies are good but perhaps it would be more cost efficient and faster to update or add features to the tools you already used. I'm very familiar with these and have written simple to highly sophisticated updates and feature additions to ManageWP and the others mentioned.

Would you be interested in this solution?