Automatically import RSS content into WordPress

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New member
Nov 11, 2006
I have just uploaded version 1.0 of my (free) Auto RSS Importer (for WordPress 2.0 or higher). Set it up once by specifying rss feed urls, keywords, etc. and it will keep your WordPress site continuously updated with fresh content.

It is very customizable, yet easy to install, 3 files total (you just need to modify the config file). It runs only once every [specified_interval], so it won't slow your site or make a million RSS feed calls.

Let me know how it works for you. I have been using it myself, and it works very well. This is the first release, so it may need a little tweaking.

Other one seems better

Actually I wrote this because I didn't now about autoblog. Honestly, autoblog looks much nicer as it can be configured in the WordPress admin section instead of a config file like mine. Another feature that autoblog has that mine doesn't is the find and replace, though I will surely add it into my next release. Overall though I would recommend using autoblog as, at this point, it's definately superior to my auto_rss_importer. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

For what it's worth, my auto_rss_importer allows you to:
  • specify feed specific keyphrase matching
  • specify the status, category, link text (optional), and max imports for each feed
  • import the feeds once every [predefined_interval] even without cron access, by simply executing when the page is loaded the first time the interval has been exceeded
  • specify all setting in a config, which I prefer as a programmer
I will continue to use and improve my program, as well it's mine and I know every line of code, so I can easily implement new features as I ned them. I think my next realease will be an actual WP plugin as autoblog is. One thing off the bat is that this would automatically permit multiple PermLink styles, as right now my script only handles the first ('?p=1') type PermLink.

Let me know if there are any features that you want (that aren't available in autoblog) and I'll try to work them in - my pet project. Thanks again for pointing out autoblog though, as right now it is simply a better program.
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