Automatic Text Summarization + Adsense/Amazon/CPA, any thought?


New member
Jan 18, 2012
After a few week joined this forum...this is my first post, hopefully I post in the right section. I am a newbie in Internet Marketing.

Starting Internet Marketing about 7 weeks ago. My first project was a micro niche with EMD, monetized using adsense. Making $30 so far, about $1 per day. Far below my expectation for 7 weeks work.

I am thinking to automatically summarize/paraphrase other people articles in profitable niches, so I do not need to create my own contents. Each article will be automatically summarize/paraphrase into one or two paragraphs, then monetized the website using Adsense/Amazon/CPA.

A couple articles related to automatic text summarization:
- A survey on Automatic Text Summarization
- The Challenges of Automatic Summarization

My questions:

  1. Anyone have tried something like this? Does it rank well?
  2. I guess, Google does not like this, does it? I may exclude Adsense to reduce my risk. Is this considered as illegal by DMCA?
  3. Any thought, to improve or to critize?
Thanks :eatmousepointer: