Automated Sites.

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Premium Service Provider
May 15, 2007
I have been researching alot with automated sites (of all kind) and been a members of many webmaster forums for a while.
Among all the forums , I found WF a place with more rational webmasters who knows real way to make money. So I felt like starting this discussion here.

Automated sites can be profitable for ppl who know the tricks of promoting them.
Although the revenue from one site is like peanut, but they can do wonders in bulk.

The downside of automated sites are:
1) Initial investment in buying domains and renewal bill after an year.
2) Google Adsense account may get smart priced or sometimes may even get ban (although the chances of getting banned is low).

would like to hear more from WF members on this topic.

I presume from your post that you mean more than autoblogs. What sorts of "automated sites" do you mean? Can you provide examples of such an item?
The downside of automated sites are:
1) Initial investment in buying domains and renewal bill after an year.

There are plenty of free hosts out there if you can write the code to manipulate them, for example is one of the easiest because they dont use captchas... If you can write a bot to do your posting for you your scale is limitless...

2) Google Adsense account may get smart priced or sometimes may even get ban (although the chances of getting banned is low).

As a rule of thumb i never put adsense on my autogen sites, i simply use them to build link volume to the sites i do put my adsense on

Im no expert as some of the people here but i hope that helps
I presume from your post that you mean more than autoblogs. What sorts of "automated sites" do you mean? Can you provide examples of such an item?

Automated blogs, automated video sites( pulls video from youtube etc), Yahoo answers sites ....
1) Initial investment in buying domains and renewal bill after an year.
who says you need to buy multiple domains? I just use one whenever I tested auto sites.

2) Google Adsense account may get smart priced or sometimes may even get ban (although the chances of getting banned is low).
dunno about this...
Is this still a viable method to create revenue with adsense? How many autoblogs/sites would someone need to create to make it worthwhile 500,1000, 1500??
One domain is ok to test. But then after testing? You need more domains to run multiple sites.

no you don't. I had like 50 sites at one point(with the potential to make millions of other little ones). I'm not talking about full blown sites. if you want full blown sites then you're going about this all wrong with automated stuff. There's really no need :eek:

Is this still a viable method to create revenue with adsense? How many autoblogs/sites would someone need to create to make it worthwhile 500,1000, 1500??

I'm pretty sure you can still make thousands a day off adsense... you would need 1 hiuuuuuge site or thousands of small ones :D
I didn't even know automated sites still made money. I made some good money with traffic equalizer when it first came out and then I moved onto other TE automated programs. That was a few years ago, Can't really remember how much I made per site, but it was like $30-$60 a day per site on average with adsense. I gave up on page generators about 2 years ago when I had 48 sites running with them and all of them put together where only pulling like $1-$10 a day.
Is this still a viable method to create revenue with adsense? How many autoblogs/sites would someone need to create to make it worthwhile 500,1000, 1500??

As Mason said, number doesnt matter much. First of all you should know the trick to earn fro one such site, then you can replicate the model to bulk.

Stop using adsense and go affiliate.
Affiliates are good option but adsense is still the best because its highly contextual.

Automated sites can also be used for providing link support to your main site.
Trust me.. It works good. :)
haha adsense only works if you've got over 100 domains set up but I'm going to get straight to the point.

Visit GoodGirlKiss - Simply Enough Said (My 1 Day Auto-Updating, Auto-Generating Website).

Only managed to put out 144 vids, content, ect today but by monday I'll have around 5000 of them with an expected index rate of 40% to 60% which is just around 2500 indexed posts for long tail low keyword terms, but do the math 1 click from a low term per day per indexed page is like 2500 visitors per day for a site that took 1 full day to set up from scratch.

I know the above stats are false cause you can't just say you'll get 1 click per day from long tail terms but its an example nonetheless and if you want to know how I did it, well its simple I found an oppurtunity built some custom scripts and sat down and did something about it.

Also forgot to mention that the 5000 posts by monday is no joke its a reality I just need to set up a couple small things tomorrow and click a button and watch them roll in, as of right now though I'm capped at a limit of just over 10,000 possible posts to be made for this one site but its a good start considering its site A and I haven't scaled the idea yet.
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