Autocomplete API shutting down

Does this rustle me...


LOLOOOOL.... SW's Keyword Finder is fine though... Carry on...

Actually all those services are fucking fine if they are smart - they'll just have to scrape it the old fashion way, you know like BEFORE there was the secret API... I know @secretagentdad is sitting back laughing at this shit as well.

But on a serious note, how would they stop scrapers? There are kits like Casperjs/PhantomJs, Selenium, and other headless browsers that act and interact like a regular browser and can mimic nearly perfectly what a user's browser does, even uBot can handle scraping efficiently.

Stop proxies? The only company I've seen come close is twitter but even getting around that is child's play. The inherit nature and foundation of the internet makes "stopping scrapers and proxies" nearly impossible.

P.S. You might really want to seriously change your username OP.​
Does this rustle me...


LOLOOOOL.... SW's Keyword Finder is fine though... Carry on...

Actually all those services are fucking fine if they are smart - they'll just have to scrape it the old fashion way, you know like BEFORE there was the secret API... I know @secretagentdad is sitting back laughing at this shit as well.

But on a serious note, how would they stop scrapers? There are kits like Casperjs/PhantomJs, Selenium, and other headless browsers that act and interact like a regular browser and can mimic nearly perfectly what a user's browser does, even uBot can handle scraping efficiently.

Stop proxies? The only company I've seen come close is twitter but even getting around that is child's play. The inherit nature and foundation of the internet makes "stopping scrapers and proxies" nearly impossible.

P.S. You might really want to seriously change your username OP.​

True. They can't really kill proxies and scrapers because both try to mimic real users. Only way to counter this would be to start banning real innocent users lol.

Like a guy mentioned in the comment, there is autocomplete for Chrome and Firefox as well which might or not be affected by this update. I'm sure Google will leave it untouched. They must be be using some sort of auto complete API too. Time will tell if the current tools can use this or not. They could do what kimonolab does which is having multiple servers to get around the scraper/robot/automated user detection from websites.

There is always a way around Foogle.

Username, nothing I can do about it now.
Fartyman: You could even register a new username if the admin won't change it. It's not like you have a huge number of posts under this one. Plus you are redblocked anyway.
Fartyman: You could even register a new username if the admin won't change it. It's not like you have a huge number of posts under this one. Plus you are redblocked anyway.

I did PM Grindstone as a fellow WF member recommended, no response.

Regarding red bricks, did take into consideration but after reading FAQ which linked to usercp,

Very mature comments. Got a red brick for joining WF. Shit's funny, i admit :D

Old skool members do like abusing their authority. So screw it. I'm sure new account going to get red bricked for random reason like "dup account fagget"

What I value about this account is the stat "Join Date: Oct 2013". I use it as a reminder to myself the day I wanted to bank hard from IMing. Also marks the day I wanted to learn from WF. I like it tbh. New account, with 2015 won't have the same feel.

I don't think much about member who insult my name though. I do the same on other places like Youtube for lulz. So I understand them.. No biggy, If the post only contains insult, I do a simple "dislike" and move on as it contribute nothing to the context of the thread.
It is something I did without Autocomplete API 3 yrs back.
Let me try doing it again, Will post it here :)