Auto Twitter tools -help


New member
Dec 19, 2009

I've been playing around with twitter and it looks like its worth investing a bit more effort from the results so far.

I'm looking for auto-twitter friends tools (the auto tweet generation I am ok with).

I'm thinking I need the following:

Auto friend follow - works really well in my niches
Keywords in twitter name
Keywords in tweet stream
Geo target
Sensible unfollow - ie unfollow all not following me greater than x days old

Been trying out socialsnipe and it shows some potential but its buggy as hell at the moment and just not trustworthy. And the unfollow tools suck. Not trying to diss it and for 8USD its probably worth trying out regardless.

Anyone tried hummingbird2?

flashtweet works well for follow/unfollow w/ geo target

Twetto my site in my link sig could help with DM's, scheduling tweets, limited auto follow

if not you could try

Im sure there are some tools that can fully automate the process but these sites can help take 80% of the work off your hands.
Thanks for the info

Twetto looks a nice app - doesn't try to do too much and be good at what it does - its only a few dollars per month.

Not really for me though as I jut don't need the tweet tools - tweet generation I have found pretty easy to sort out.

Its the keyword chasing and follow tools that I really need to get sorted - that few % will be impossible as i want to roll this out to 50+ sites.