Auto-Expiring Mobile Numbers for SMS?

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Good Deal!
Jun 2, 2007
AOL is allowing users to signup with a free email account with the domain name of your choosing, e.g.: me(at)pulledoutoftheair(dot)com, IF the domain name is available. AOL will then reg the domain name for you and they say that they will open up the for you to actually develop/add content to it instead of just having an email account at that domain.

BUT, you need an SMS phone number to get an activation code in order to get your new email and domain name. I've only got 2 cell phones, but I want to grab more domains using AOL for future monetization/link building when they open it up to development.

I can't find a service that will provide you a temporary SMS phone number (auto-expiring) that would get forwarded to an email (so you can grab the activation code). The closest I came was, but their numbers use an extension (won't fit in the AOL phone # form) and I don't think it can forward SMSs...

Has anyone found a service like this?

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