Australian site affiliate recommendations

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I haven't come across any to my knowledge. I think the problem is that Australians on average don't buy online. Would love to know why, but sadly we seem to be fearful of spending on line has Australian offers. I've not done much promotion with them though because of their terrible interface, but there does seem to be some ok programs available.
Don't even bother with darkblue. They are Australian, but don't have much good to promote to an Australian audience. is available at CJ
I focus mostly on the US market, but here's a tip. I've found Adsense works well on AU stuff ;) Providing it's a fairly commercial topic and not entertainment related, random forum topics or personal blogs etc.
I operate a couple of programs at and and we are always looking for decent affiliates.

I would also very strongly disagree that Australians don't buy stuff online. I manage several affiliates who target only australian traffic and make a hell of a lot more than I do.

clixGalore is the biggest Australian affiliate network with Comission Monster in a distant second.
dillinger said:
I found a product I`m really interested in promoting
That's where you're going to have to test for yourself. If the product fits in with your site audience, test it.

I don't think you'll get far just running clixgalore banners, but product reviews/content links etc could work.
GuyFromOz said:
That's where you're going to have to test for yourself. If the product fits in with your site audience, test it.

I don't think you'll get far just running clixgalore banners, but product reviews/content links etc could work.

Yeah I wasn`t planning on just throwing up a bunch of banners.I`m getting ready to launch a whole site around this product`s market but I don`t really want to get started with an affiliate program that might not even pay me (as far as I can see from the links I posted above).
That`s why I`m asking if anyone`s dealt with clixgalore before
I would suggest just using adsense for a few weeks & track your clicks to the exit url's with the script from

This takes all the guess work out of discovering what your visitors are interested in & will give you a good hint about which affiliate offers would suit your traffic.
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