AuctionAds stats after 8th?

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New member
Mar 19, 2007
Anyone using AuctionAds have commissions for dates after April 8th?


huh...nope. I didn't pay attention because I only have it on a site I'm currently working on which gets little organic traffic so I've only made pennies but last anything showed up was on the 7th.
There is supposed to be a two day lag before comissions show up so I think what you are seeing is normal.

My problem is that the first time I load a page if I haven't been to it in a few hours irrelevant ads show up. I have to refresh it to see relevant ads, anyone else have this problem?
There is supposed to be a two day lag before comissions show up so I think what you are seeing is normal.

My problem is that the first time I load a page if I haven't been to it in a few hours irrelevant ads show up. I have to refresh it to see relevant ads, anyone else have this problem?

Yeah but look at his stats...he should be seeing earnings everyday off that.
Hmm, Im trying to figure out what you mean. So if someone completed a sale on the 9th, we won't see stats for the 9th till today, assuming later today on the llth. So any transactions that occured on the 10th, we won't see till tomorrow? Is this not correct?
There is supposed to be a two day lag before comissions show up so I think what you are seeing is normal.

My problem is that the first time I load a page if I haven't been to it in a few hours irrelevant ads show up. I have to refresh it to see relevant ads, anyone else have this problem?

That sounds like the cache expired at AuctionAds for whatever your search phrase is. Maybe if you made your search phrase a little more general, the cache won't expire as someone else will be using the same phrase. (I'm just guessing as to how AA works)
Hmm, Im trying to figure out what you mean. So if someone completed a sale on the 9th, we won't see stats for the 9th till today, assuming later today on the llth. So any transactions that occured on the 10th, we won't see till tomorrow? Is this not correct?
Yeah there is a delay but look at his stats and go back 2days from the 9th, 10th, & 11th and by looking at his earnings prior to the 8th he should still be seeing a steady flow of income on those days.
Yes well contrary to popular belief it sometimes takes more then 2 days for your earnings to show up, I've kept a close eye on mine and I swear a few days took like 4 days to click in, for instance one day I got $20 bucks and no clicks, but then again I could be thinking all fucked up because of the 30 day snowball effect involved here.
Yes well contrary to popular belief it sometimes takes more then 2 days for your earnings to show up, I've kept a close eye on mine and I swear a few days took like 4 days to click in, for instance one day I got $20 bucks and no clicks, but then again I could be thinking all fucked up because of the 30 day snowball effect involved here.

Yup and the 7day & 30day cookies make it hard to project.
My commission numbers for the 8th, 9th, 10th just showed up so I guess they were just a little behind posting those to the reports. Thanks for all the replies.
My commission numbers for the 8th, 9th, 10th just showed up so I guess they were just a little behind posting those to the reports. Thanks for all the replies.

Yup mine just showed up...I'm pumped to get this site really going and start pushing it because this making money off organic traffic beats PPC any day. :p
The eBay US affiliate program is experiencing a tracking issue that began on Saturday April 7, and may partially affect your ACRU and RevShare performance. We expect to have this issue resolved shortly. We will update you as soon as we have more information.
Thank you for your continued support of the program.
The affiliate team
Yeah, I got that email too, so I wrote back for more details and got this:

The eBay US team is working on solving the tracking issue that began on Saturday April 7. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. As the issue affects partially your ACRU and RevShare performance, the eBay US affiliate team will calculate a bonus to make up for the transactions. We will update you as soon as we have more information.

Thank you for your continued support of the program.

The affiliate team

So we will be compensated for all the lost tracking. I wonder if AuctionAds will also pass that to us.
How well will AuctionAds work on a generic entertainment site (no specific niche) Also is it available in Canada?
jordanr said:
How well will AuctionAds work on a generic entertainment site (no specific niche) Also is it available in Canada?
Probably not, although some entertainment sites' revenue really surprises me. Yes it is available in Canada
if you wanted to take the time and use dynamic keywords to pick the ads, you could make specific ads for specific pages. Example:

Britney Spears in the news

Britney Spears TShirts and CDs in the ads

This should be easy, I haven't tried it though. I do know that if you get specific with your keywords it should really help you, as ebay has so many ads there's bound to be a few specifically about your page.

For instance, i just made this page about Don Imus in the news
Nappy Headed Hos - Don Imus Says of Rutgers Womens Basketball Team

check out the ads.
I'm seeing iPod ads... and I had the same problem on my sights, the ads would ignore my search terms and serve up iPod ads...
I'm seeing iPod ads... and I had the same problem on my sights, the ads would ignore my search terms and serve up iPod ads...

For sites that do not get much traffic you will get more of the "whats hot on eBay ads" which generally are ipod related.

This is due to the fact that it needs to make a call and cache so that it has up to date auctions. If we cached for more then 10 minutes most of the auctions would be over.
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