Attracting Perverts to Monthly Subscriptions


New member
Aug 16, 2010
Okay most of us have gone onto chatroulette, and some of us have for boobs.

You'll know the majority of cam sites and definitely adult chat rooms are full of dicks and perverts. How hard would it be to make people sign up for a monthly subscription on how to get a better body, or to get laid, or for porn vids, all directly e-mailed to customers every month.

Is it hard? I mean, posting on chatrooms with your site, maybe even posing as a girl? Kinda darker hat stuff, but yeah.


I'm looking to start maybe a simple E-Mail content subscription service, cheap but big. Loads of target users but cheap so that you can keep every customer. PayPal subscription based. Not sure what kind of E-Mail content people would be willing to pay for.
Just forget about the shady stuff and focus on doing something that really interests you. With the email service, people won't pay to see any kind of content. Brainstorm some new ideas today and see how it goes.
Okay. What kind of content on a monthly subscription would someone want to pay for? What kind of content is actually worth something nowadays?
Speaking as pervert and a dick... you need to provide some serious content or your customers won't stay especially with so much free shit available. Probably better to start off making money from advertisers like allot do.

The internet has a way of self regulating scammers as well. The community talks.
Okay. What kind of content on a monthly subscription would someone want to pay for? What kind of content is actually worth something nowadays?

Do you really expect people to come up with your ideas for you? Get creative and do some research of your own. That or puppies, people love puppies.
If I had somethin, I would be doing it.

I know what I've paid 4 in the past. Guitar lessons, spanish learning site, some materials on how to meet women, books, a couple torrent sites. Prety much I look for educational i've never paid for porn but I do get some 4 free....if I had to pay for that.. I would just skip it and not have any.

On the positive side, I have learned some guitar and my spanish is improving. On the negative side, I think i'm almost out of hand lotion.