's Double Standards

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Pasta Eatin Mofo
Dec 1, 2007
So I'm in my Gmail today and I see this ad:


I clicked it to see what type of offers Ask was offering on loans. Lo and behold it takes me to this page:

bad credit - Web Search

Now I know Ask has been doing arbitrage for years, but this is among some of the worst violations against google's QS standards that I've seen. It pays to be a google partner.

I forgot to mention, notice even the display URL is bullshit. If you try that without cloaking, you'll get your ad disapproved in minutes.

If you get caught cloaking, google will go beyond slappage... say hello to the (GDP) google donkey punch.
Funny enough, on Friday, I asked one of favorite ysm reps about the different acct types over and above Platinum. Her reponse was "honestly, the only companies that typically qualify are huge for example ebay,, etc."

It seems, arbitrage is acceptable in the corporate gorilla world. As they always say, money talks, even the big G is willing to sacrifice their terms and usually strict morals for a few extra bucks (quite a few, I'm sure.)
Its always been acceptable to google, ysm and so on. Its a myth that arbitrage delivers bad traffic, it can be good providing you do it right, better even than other methods.

What they don't want are 1000's of sites arbitraging, many of them not very well, its far better to let a few big boys do it and do it with skill, I mean thats how it used to be anyway circa 1999-2004 as it hadn't gone mainstream, no adsense and feeds were harder to get.

Its kinda gone full circle back to a few players who will have permission from ysm/google etc to drive traffic this way but its a bitter pill to those shoved out the door or those just experiencing bad google Q/S when you realise the playing field is not level.

On that count its hard for google to justify their Q/S system when big companies can sidestep it, Ebay is another one besides and its a shame there is no mainstream scrutiny of this issue, it deserves it. I think though Google would just say that Q/S is also about brand, Ebay and Ask both have brand whereas your affiliate ppc feed site often does not. So its about dollars, brand and other factors but it still makes Google's arguments for Q/S look weak as long as it persists.

Also if you are a ppc affiliate these days you will know its all about quality of traffic, if you want to stay in the game then this is the world you play in, many affiliates/arbers also will have hit the road because of this also. Presumably's traffic is upto scratch based on the conversion metrics. Life ain't fair but whats new there.
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